1. Meet Justine

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I thought today would never end, why couldn't I just stay home? They know how much I hate it here. I usually take the bus home but it's loud and I'd much rather walk anyway. It's not like I "need" to take a bus home, it's only a 40 minute walk. This is my thinking time.

"Justine, what are you wearing? You know it isn't Halloween right?"

"I know, This dress makes me feel like a princess and my momma said it was ok to wear it."

"Well, you look very pretty in it."

Miss Barbados was my favorite teacher ever! I wonder what happened to her...

"Hey Justine, that's an ugly dress. You look like you just got hit by a bus!"

That didn't make any sense but I was 9 and it hurt my feelings.

"That's mean! You can't say things like that to girls!"

"Yes we can!" and with that, every boy in my class started to spit on me... it was an everyday thing. I told my parents, my mom wrote countless letters, she even had meetings with the principle. Still I was bullied to no end. Soon the boys had started following me home, all the while calling me name and throwing trash at me. They'd shout things like, "You're ugly!"My dad would always chase them away swinging a belt at them, that always made me laugh. What are you to expect, growing up in Philadelphia?

Just in time to snap me from my thoughts I was bombarded by none other than Kara, my bestfriend. We'd known each other since, I'd say 10th grade. She always says she remembers me from like 6th or 7th grade and that I looked angry all the time so she kind of avoided me.

"DID. YOU. SEE. DAMON?!" she practically yelled in my ear.

"I did and he's extremely hot, as always. What else is new?"

Kara was Puerto Rican but it seems as though everyone assume she was black and white....she could so pass as either mixed or Peruvian.

"Well I almost pooped myself when he looked at me, he makes me nervous!"

See, Kara and I are those creepy girls who stalk guys from a distance, learn their life story but never make contact with them in any way shape or form. We call ourselves Level 3 Stalkers. Yes, there are levels to this.

"Anyway, are you allowed out today?" She seemed to ask that question almost everyday like clockwork, even though the answer is always no, there's just so much my parents expect from me all the time.

"Can't, chores and stuff."

"What the booooop? We never hang out!"

"I know...."

We usually walk in the direction of Kara's house and then from there I walk to mine. The longer I take to get home the more I prolong my freedom.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow! Bring those rippy jeans! I want to wear them!" Kara yelled as I turned the corner.

"Bring your straightener... my hair is gonna be a MESS!"


The walk home for me is usually just me listening to music.... Not gonna lie, my mind drifts and like any other self conscious girl I start picking myself apart. It doesn't help that I listen to these stupid love songs either.

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