❹ Kylie

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"Mark thanks for the pizza," I whispered, my throat hurt like bloody hell and felt itchy when I talked. 

He nodded and kissed me on the forehead, "Not a problem, Kylie. If you need anything text me so you don't hurt your voice." Mark patted my knee before standing up and taking the paper plate that a few minutes ago held three pieces of sausage pizza, now holds emptiness. (Aka my heart *knee slap*)

"Love you Mark." I whispered before turning over. 

"Love you too, Kylie. We'll check up on you in the morning." He said then closed the door, losing the light in my room and shrouded in darkness.


"Kylie? Kylie? Her head isn't that hit anymore, Mark. Lets hope her voice is better too." A thick Irish accent said, waking me up.

I sat up, instantly bonking my head into my dad Jack's head. "What?" I whispered. I didn't feel any itch. "My voice feels better." I said louder, my eyes still closed.

I opened them to see happy parents- Mark leaning on the wall with his phone taking pictures and Jack just fixing my hair out of my eyes. I laughed as he poked me in the eye once, "Mark we are horrible parents!" He chuckled.

"No you aren't! You guys are awesome." I said honestly with a smile.

They grinned at me, "Well you better get dressed. And have you thought about the adoption and fandom et cetra?" Mark asked me.

I nodded, "How about tomorrow. I just want to get fully settled in, and make sure that I feel one hundred percent before I'm showed off to millions of jealous or happy fans. You know that there will be jealous fans. You know that." 

They both nodded along, "and I'm happy you've thought about it." Mark said, sitting down beside me on my bed, next to Jack, and pulled me in for a hug. 

"Yeah. I'm happy to just be here."


Tomorrow came along too soon.

"Just put up your hair!"

"You don't have to worry about pants! The camera will see torso up!" 

"You look fine!"

"Ooh that zit right there! Here I'll help."

"Jesus fucking Christ who knew how hard it was to get ready to be shown to the world." I huffed, sitting down in my stool between Jack and Mark.

Mark turned on the camera with a reassuring smile back at me, and waved at the camera, "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and today I'm here with Jack and.."

"Kylie." I said with a small wave.

"And this is my family." Mark said. He grabbed Jack's hand, "You all were right. Yeah, I suppose septiplier is real, and just to show, we adopted Kylie. Jack is moving in with me, and Kylie moved in yesterday. I'm hopeful you will all understand and be happy for us. There will be there typical amount of videos today afterwards, but for now i need some food." 

Jack chuckled beside me and I snorted. Mark have the camera another wave, "Until next time, buh bye!"

He clicked off the camera with one finally hurrah and instantly uploaded it without editing, "This isn't needing editing. People will see us genuine and real, like I try to every video." 

I nodded, "Good job, Mark."

He gave me a grateful grin and hugged me tightly, "I'm just happy we met you. It was fate you felt like shit."

"Oh totally, it was very needed that I feel like shit!" I giggled into his shirt.

Jack joined in on the group hug, sighing, "I'm so happy we decided this, Mark."

"This will be a great life." 

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