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We were playing a game as we drove home. Each car we passed we would dab. All of us at once as we blasted Years and Years (aka my favourite band). 

"ONE." Jack yelled as we started to pass a minivan.

Mark yelled "TWO!"

"THREEE!" I screamed and we all dabbed, making the two little girls chuckle and one girl in the front scream in excitement. 

"ITS A FAN!" Jack snorted, pointing to the van. "SHE KNOWS US."

"OH DAMNNN!" Mark chuckle and we continued to drive. We made sure the girl wouldn't follow us home and drove through a small neighbourhood nearby our house. The van didn't turn with us so we continued down our road to the subdivision we live in. My home. 

It still feels weird that that is my home.

That these are my parents.

And that they are okay with my music taste, and we can all dab. 


I ran up to my room and quickly threw my clothes on hangers and organised my closet quickly before I joined Jack and Mark again in the kitchen.

"Whatcha making?" I asked as Jack grabbed bread. 


"Ooh." I replied and sat down at the bar stools. Mark sat down beside me and opened up his laptop with his newest video sitting patiently. "I need to edit this."

"How do you edit videos?" I asked him, propping my head on his shoulder, peering over to see how he did it.

"Like this." He started messing around with the video, adding effects and zooming up occasionally on his face. "Wanna add something?" He asked, looking over at me.

I nodded and he pushed his laptop over to me. I started to cover it with rainbow fireworks for every part of the video and sent it to YouTube before he could change it. Already was uploading.

"Well now you know." He chuckle, oblivious to the rainbow fireworks.

"SANDWICHES ARE DONE CHILDREN." Jack said, giving us a plate with some sandwiches on it. "ENJOY."

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