❽ Kylie

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We laid around for a bit while playing overwatch before Mark decides to make some food for us all, and comes out with more sandwiches. 

"I better teach you guys how to cook." I mumbled, grabbing a half of a sandwich as I pause Jack and I's game. 

"Oh you know? Thank god." Mark chuckled. "I can make sandwiches and frozen stuff- that's about it."

I nodded, "I can cook eggs, porkchops, wings, vegan stuff, you name it. It was necessary to know  at the orphanage so we could help the caretakers."

"That's awesome." Jack said. 


As I go to grab the controller Mark snatches it away and puts it in his lap, "So, I know it's summer and all, and that vidcon is coming up, et cetra, but we want you to go out and make some friends, so we decided to sign you up for a photography camp. You told us the day we met that you were obsessed with photography and so we checked and the camp had seven spots left! We didn't want you to be in a camp in this state- this camp is around North Chicago- a bit up in Wisconsin." 

"Oh my god- is it the camp I think it is?" I said, my heart beating faster and louder with each second. 

Jack and Mark nod with huge smiles on their faces and I give them hugs. The one thing they don't know about my love for photography- is because of my internet friend- Callie- who's also going to the camp. 

Connor Franta's camp.

"and also we needed to find a way to keep in contact with you so we got you a phone- it's not a new one its just a six- but still. It's my old one." Mark said, holding up the shinier one. I knew it looked different in the past two days. "But don't just tell anyone your number, make sure you know more about that person before they know more about you- otherwise they may use you." Mark said with a sigh. He handed me my own phone. It was rose gold and had a clear protective case on the back. 

I hugged Mark and Jack tightly, "thank you guys so much I love this I love you guys," I said into Jack's shoulder.

Soon we would be in Vidcon.

About one monthish until the camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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