❺ Kylie

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"Wake up for fucks sake it's been six hours." Jack whined, flopping on the other side of my bed, waking me up.

I shot up with my hair in my face and mouth. I spit it out, "What are you doing Jack?"

"It's noon." Jack replied with a grin and bop on my nose.

I pulled the hair away from my face and started two braids while we talked. "So the feedback on Mark's video.."

"Was it good?" I whispered. He pulled out his phone and showed me all the positive replies to the video. 

My breath hitched and I jumped on top of Jack and hugged him, "I'm so happy."

"That's good." He laughed, patting me on the head. "so how ya feeling?"

"A lot better and I want to do something today." 

"Like what?" Mark asked, popping his head into the room.

"I don't care, I just would like fresh air."

"Also maybe fans will see us. Oh shit." Jack laughed. "Let's hope not but you never know."

"Yeah that isn't the worse thing. Now people won't scream every time they see you and Mark together they know you are real instead of just hashtags. Trust me, I know."

"And how do you know?" Jack chuckled.

"Used to be major fangirl and shipper for destiel and troyler."

"Oh god, Mark, WE GOT A MONSTER." Jack yelled.


"Oh god." I moaned and flopped back onto my side.


Two hours later we were walking around LA and all had baseball hats and sunglasses on. "Kylie are you sure you don't want any new clothes?" Jack mumbled to me.

"I mean all I need is pants." I replied, adjusting my red hat for youtube. I had a big white sweater and shorts on, my clothes as boring as my taste. 

"Okay well here's a forever 21." Mark said and pulled me along. He pushed his red hair under his hat and fixed his sunglasses.

"Mark," I said.

He turned to face me, "Yeah?"

"Why are we wearing disguises?"

"I mean do you want to be swarmed by people every block?" Mark bit his lip.

I shrugged, "I mean you should be happy though that people love you so much and want to meet you both."

Jack nodded, "She's right."

I pulled off my cap and sunglasses and ran into the forever 21 to find some suitable pants. "Cmon fam!" I laughed. 

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