Crooks & Saints

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Rogue had run outside of the door and Mercy quickened her pace to catch up to him. Fear lay hidden beneath the cold look in his eyes. "Your will is strong, much better than mine. As long as you keep that up you might be able to leave with a clear conscience."

"Subject 01 has escaped. Containment has been breached." A voice called over the speakers.

"I repeat 'Containment has been breached,' all guards at the ready."

The shuffling of boots on the linoleum floor grew stronger now. Rogue flicked his gaze down the corridor towards the sound.

"Though, I could really use a comrade right now, not a saint." He reached for Mercy's hand but stopped midway to look back and make sure no talons were protruding.

He flinched back. Mercy felt the roll of hurt inside her chest at the effect his rejection had on her.

Rogue glanced up at her frozen face and frowned. "Sorry, it's new to me. I didn't picture my tiger as a little dragon." He apologized.

His eyes widened at the sight in front of him. "Behind you!" His hissed.

Mercy snapped to attention and she turned in time to see Dr. Snyde holding a syringe. The bulky, long needle had already made its descent to her chest when she finally registered what was happening. She felt the sharp pain as the syringe pierced through her skin and the contents spilled into her veins.

Mercy's hand shot out in a flurry of motion as she panicked and tried to fend Dr. Snyde off. She heard the rip of fabric and tissue through the hum of her talons, felt the way her claws sliced through his papery flesh.

Mercy stumbled back, gripping her chest as a stream of blood flowed from the hole the thick needle had formed. She held Dr. Snyde's gaze as she watched him fall.

He moaned as blood began to spew from his mouth. Streams of blood rolled down his chest cavity from the torn sinew and tissue. The skin around the wound was now ragged and crimson red. Dr. Snyde glanced at her as his eyes glazed over, but he was not afraid. The last thing she saw before turning away was the wicked smile plastered on his graying face.

"No." She whispered, stumbling back. "No! I didn't mean to kill him. H-he attacked first!" She shook her head violently.

"I can't be a killer." Her voice rattled and shook as emotion clogged her throat.

Mercy felt the room spinning. She didn't want this; not any of it. Mercy never asked for this life. There were some things that couldn't be controlled in life, much more that couldn't be controlled in death. She didn't wish for this, but it was too late.

The moment she was born had been the moment everything had changed for her family. She was a disaster, a mistake. Everything that had happened, all the dreadful things done, it was all her fault. Mercy had to make it right, even if it was the last thing she'd ever have the privilege to do.

Rogue grabbed her hand, pulling her up against him. He gripped her fiercely. "Listen to me!" He yelled, drawing her away from the madness creeping in. "It's not your fault! He went after you! The rat bastard was trying to kill you!"

He jerked her hand after him as he ran across the hallway. "Sometimes accidents happen with the powers we are given, and we can't control everything that happens to us. Keep moving forward. That's what will get us through this mess. We don't have time to waste."

She pounded at his chest with her free hand as she forced him to a stop. Thankfully the talons had retracted and she was almost normal.

"I can't do this! Don't you get it?" She screamed.

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