Fleeting Moments

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They had been traveling for several hours in the car. The excessive speeding done by her obnoxious companion didn't hurt to have. Along the way, Mercy tried to keep herself busy by glancing at the road signs and watching the clouds. Rogue didn't seem to mind the silence. 

After the crying fit he had endured while seeing her father, Mercy was surprised he didn't ask questions. She knew if she managed to see her family it wouldn't be easy, but seeing her father and how damaged he was petrified her. She used to think the world of her father growing up.

Now, though she still loved him, it was hard to pretend that everything was okay. She was grateful for having talked to him, but the evidence was obvious. They'd still erased her from their lives. Even at the discretion of the agents that followed her parents' tracks, it didn't lighten the ache it caused in Mercy's heart.

She was more thankful to have Rogue by her side. Though, he was a comical joker and obnoxious at times, Rogue was there for her when the world was turning against her. He was a means of gravity for her. As long as Rogue was around, she knew she'd be grounded and alive.

It was nice to feel comfortable with someone. Mercy hadn't felt that way in a long time. It was kind of wonderful and Rogue didn't make for bad company after all.

When they were talking he didn't hesitate to make her feel at ease and when they weren't, the silence wasn't unbearable. They didn't worry about exchanging pleasantries. None of that mattered. They had both suffered losses and if someone in the world could understand them it was each other.

Fleeing from oncoming security was nerve-wracking and played a heavy part in their silent distraction. They had managed to make it this far without the spies from Kentucky catching up with them.

Mercy, herself, was unsure of how to even spot them, but Rogue didn't have a hard time. Two hours in and their luck was running out.

Rogue cursed loudly beside her. "You've got to be kidding me. Christ!"

His hand gripped the wheel tightly as he swerved into the other lane, narrowly avoiding another car in the process. The other driver honked his horn and another string of curses flew out of Rogue's mouth.

"What is it?" Mercy questioned with panic. "What's going on?" She turned her head, swiveling in her seat to glance behind at the back window.

She didn't spot anything out of the ordinary right away. She saw a handful of cars and a green landscape. The scenery hadn't changed much throughout their adventure and the cars she could see where full of families on vacation and people heading off to work for the late shift.

Then, as if the puzzle had been completed, Mercy knew what had caused Rogue's outburst. Her gaze flitted across the black SUV with extremely tinted windows a few cars behind them.

She didn't need Rogue to confirm her suspicions. The only individuals that would drive something so closed off and shaded were the inconspicuous government officials who were obviously standing out against the minivans and brighter colored cars on the road.

If the other drivers noticed, they didn't care. It was five o'clock and they'd blame the speeding vehicles around them on workers trying to get home. Rogue swerved back to the right, putting more distance between themselves and the SUV behind them.

Mercy stiffened in her seat. "Do you think we'll make it?"

Rogue reached out a hand to hers and squeezed gently. "I'm going to keep you safe, Mercy. No matter what means I have to use to get you there."

He glanced in the rearview mirror before the speedometer rose another five miles. "But before I can do that, I've got to steer these other people away from us. No innocent bystanders are getting hurt on my watch." He pulled his hand out of hers.

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