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Rogue's grin lit up the darkened sky and Mercy sensed a flutter in the pit of her stomach; the sensation felt like tiny, little butterflies were frantically and haphazardly rushing around inside her.  Rogue nodded his head towards the side and Mercy took the hint.

She walked at a brisk pace for the rest of the distance between them and fought the urge to throw her arms around his neck.  For someone with severe issues regarding trust, it figures she would be one of those girls; the ones ready to throw themselves at their crushes if they'd been separated for a while. Mercy laughed to herself, lost in the whirlwind of contemplation.

Her feet were rooted to the ground beneath her and Rogue's smile drooped a little.  Was that disappointment she caught in his eyes?  Was he expecting her to jump into his arms and hug it out?

She could feel his gaze as it ran over her.  Heaven knows what she looked like right now.  Tangled hair and singed, drenched clothes.  Mud-soaked skin and fire in her eyes. She was betting her face was streaked with trails of black asphalt as well. 

Yet Rogue's eyes drank her in like she was the only thing that mattered in the world, like he has never seen someone as breathtaking in his life, needless of the tangles and grungy appearance. Mercy could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks the longer he watched. 

His gaze landed on the borrowed jacket and soaked white t-shirt.  He grinned wickedly. 

"You're a little soaked."

Mercy shrugged.  "What can I say; it's been a long day." 

"I can see that."

She crossed her arms across her chest and glowered at him.  "You know, a real knight in shining armor wouldn't keep ogling."

Rogue smirked and took a second glance before replying, "I'm a man, Mercy Baudelaire, and I have it on perfectly good authority that even a knight would fall to his knees and ogle."

He nodded, grinning from ear to ear, his eyes lingering on her torso.  He stretched out an arm, letting his left hand touch the holes in the fabric of her shirt.  He scowled as his eyes took in the blood spatters and runny stains. 

"You alright, Tiger?  I have a stash of clothes in the back of the car.  Something in there should work for you.  It'll be a bit big, but I'm sure you want out of that shirt.  If you would like to keep wearing it, though, I'll give no objections."  He grinned, bringing his gaze back to hers. 

Mercy rolled her eyes.  "Enough about the shirt.  Can we get a move on?  Our new companions want to be out of here as much as I do."

His smile fell completely when his gaze slid past her to the men.  "Who are you?"

Terrance was the first to speak.  "Take it easy.  We're allies."  He was acting friendly enough, but Mercy could see the disapproval in his eyes.

"That your car burning by the side of the road back there?"  His own voice laced with disapproval and annoyance.  Rogue bobbed his head. 

Terrance shrugged.  "We settled things."

Rogue nodded and glanced at the rest of her new acquaintances.  "Well, hop in.  Don't want the government to track us down too quickly again.  If I find any reason to doubt what side you are on, I won't hesitate to throw you out."

They settled into Rogue's newly acquired jeep.  Mercy grabbed Rogue's bag out of the back and rifled through it. 

Her hands found at purple shirt in the mess of clothes.  She gripped the material in her hands and turned to face everyone.

"Mind turning around and shutting your eyes?"

Rogue smirked and stood in front of the others.  "I'll turn around, but I won't shut my eyes.  I'm your personal bodyguard.  I've got to make sure your little friend here doesn't cop a peek."

Mercy rolled her eyes.  Handling Rogue alone was a lot to deal with.  How could she do it with three men?  Hopefully, Terrance's father would keep them all in line.

When she was sure there attention was elsewhere, Mercy began to tug the soaked shirt off of her torso.  The fabric was clinging to her skin and she had to peel it off to remove it.

She threw the tattered shirt in the back of the jeep.  There was no point in keeping it, but it wouldn't be good if someone found it and traced the DNA left by the blood.  Mercy picked up the purple shirt.  Her head buzzed and she could feel a set of eyes at her back. 

"Couldn't resist?"  She muttered, before turning her head in his direction.  There was no chance she'd turn completely to face him.  It would only be more rewarding for him. 

Rogue grinned and glanced down abashedly.  "Sorry." 

He turned around again and Mercy began to pull the shirt on.  It was looser than she would have liked and came up to mid-thigh, but it was a lot better than her old one.  This one didn't have holes and blood stains to boot

She rubbed the cotton material between her fingertips.   Rogue either had always had this or he'd picked it up a while back because his scent was already embedded in the soft material.  She sniffed, smelling the musky oak and leather scent. 

Rogue took her actions for disgust.  "Sorry if it smells, it's been in there since this morning."

She shook her head.  "It's fine."

She shut the back door and tossed Terrance's jacket towards him.  He caught it and pulled it back on.  Mercy turned her focus back to Rogue as they moved to get in the car.  "It smells like you."

Rogue chuckled.  "I hope that's not a bad thing.  I did shower when it was allowed back in that confinement.  I give my word."

Mercy's lips turned up at the corners. "I said it was fine, didn't I?"

He nodded and opened the passenger door for her.  "Hop in, Tiger.  Even though the circumstances are a little hard to process, my mother would be disappointed in me if I didn't act like a gentleman."  He grinned down at her.

Mercy stopped directly in front of him.  "Thank you."  She squeezed his shoulder before hoisting herself inside the Jeep.

The three men sat in the back.  Rogue shuffled off to his side after shutting the car door.  He put a hand on her headrest and turned to glance at the men  "I don't suppose you three have any trackers on you?"

"We removed them a long time ago." The father mumbled as his gaze fell to the horizon outside. 

"All of them?"

"I'm a government official I know exactly where they keep every tracking device so, yes, I assure you I removed them all." The father grumbled. "Can we get a move on, then?"

Rogue shrugged before stepping on the gas.  "I want to make sure nothing happens like it did earlier today. I have a hard time trusting the lot of you."

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