2. Work

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"Goodmorning Ramsey." Some of her coworkers said as she walked by. "Hi, Goodmorning." She said before sitting down at her cubical. She looked at all the ultrasound pictures of Raja from the past 8 months. There's one more doctors appointment before nature takes its course. The baby is scheduled to be born June fourth but giving birth early runs in her family.

"How's it going mama?" Her friend Ashlynn asked. Ramsey clocked into her computer before sitting criss cross in her computer chair.

"Well as of last night the baby has the hiccups which kept me up all night, that's just the start. I went to get dressed this morning and all my pants and shirts don't fit so I'm wearing dresses, leggings and hoodies till she gets here." Ashlynn put her hand on her stomach and felt Raja moving around.

"Wow. I can't believe she's almost here."

Ramsey groaned. "I know! I'm so ready but my doctor weighed us at the last appointment and she's already ten pounds. She's gonna rip me open like fuckin wet paper bag." She rubbed her stomach as she felt another hiccup. "When I had Tyler I was fine. All they'll do is take some scissors and do a quick snip. The tear healed up nice." Ramsey froze. "You serious?"

"Yeah it was fine. It hurt like hell but it's all good now." Ramsey tried to imagine what it would feel like but she ended up grossing herself out. "It's like having a new vagina." Ramsey raised her eyebrows in suprise.

Their boss and the creator of the blog Keisha Johnson stepped out of her office before Ramsey could respond. "Alright you guys! It's time to get to work! It's Monday so you know it's gonna be busy. We got to do our weekly updates for the website and go to the emails and reply to fan questions. We have 854 that came in for this weekend. All the gossip colums, horoscopes, the advice page, and all that good stuff need updated. So with all that said let's kick this week off on a good leg!" Everybody in the room cheered and got to work.

Ramsey scooted closer to her desk the best she could and opened up the editor app for the website.

"Damn look at my baby mama." She looked up to see Anthony coming in late as usual. "Hi Anthony." She gave him a quick smile. He worked next to her as a writer for one of the advice page called "advice from a man's perspective." He's the only male that worked their except the janitor.  "How you doing?" He asked taking his backpack and jacket off.

"I'm good. I'm ready to go home already and it's not even eleven o'clock yet." She said deleting everything out text boxes from last week.

"Me too. I'm high as shit. I don't even know why I came in today." She looked over at him to see his eyes were red and hardly even open. "I couldn't even think straight. I was half way here and my ass started tweakin on some dumb shit. I had to park my car at a grocery store and call a Uber for the rest of the way."

Ramsey shook her head. "And whatever you smoked-" she punched her nose. "-is making me sick." He laughed. "I'm sorry I got an extra shirt in my bag. It's that kush you smelling. It's straight from Colorado." He said taking his shirt off at his desk leaving him with a bare chest.

"Is that Ants voice I hear?" Keisha said coming out her office. He got out his chair and hid under his desk. "She see me?" He asked Ramsey while slipping the extra shirt on. "Yes I saw you dammit. Step into my office, you been late all last week and you got the nerve to waltz in here late today." He got up and rolled his eyes while getting up and following behind her.

Ramsey shook her head and typed her advice for the day, making sure to make it simple for the day. Being pregnant had her mind all over the place sometimes, especially coming into the nine month mark. She usually could write something deep for fans to think about but it was becoming a challenge now.

"Take a moment to reflect on your life. Think about every aspect of it. If there is any negative, use today to make them positive." She publisbed the quote and began looking through the company's email to answer questions.


"You like this one?" Aubrey asked Amir as they sat in his at home studio listening to a track for his upcoming album Views. "I like this one daddy." He said with a mouth full of gold fish. Aubrey paused the song and adjusted a few things.



"When's the baby gonna get here?" Amir climbed in Audrey's lap. "In a few weeks. Why? You excited?" He nodded letting his curly hair bounce around. "Can she play with me when she comes out?" Aubrey smiled. "Not for a while. She has to learn how to walk like you did when you were a baby." Amir was just as excited as everybody else. He likes to be updated on the baby as soon as Aubrey finds out something from Ramsey. It made him happy to see the copies of the ultrasound pictures when they came in the mail.

"You know we're gonna fly out to New York to go be with Ramsey." Amir gasped. "Her last appointment is coming and after that the baby should be here." "When do we go?" Aubrey thought for a second. "I think it's next week. I'll ask Ramsey so we can be ready." Aubrey knew when it was but he was just using that as an excuse to talk to her. Aubrey used everything or anything to try and talk to Ramsey, but she kept everything so short with him it was impossible to keep conversation.

After Ramsey left him he sat there in that ice cream shop just staring at the floor.

He sat there trying to remember that night with Jade but he couldn't. He sat there was a sleeping Amir in his lap till the workers had to close the shop for the night. When he came to his hotel room he didn't know what to do. He was a mess and there was nobody to lean on. Once he got Amir to sleep in the other room in his suite he rushed to the other room hoping she was still there.


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