8. Your side...

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Sorry for any mistakes.

"I'm not sleeping in the bed with his ass look at his damn toenails, they're long as fuck." Chubs said crossing his arms.

"They're not that bad." 40 took a sock off and held his foot while standing.

"Ew." Ashlynn backed up a few inches from him in disgust. "Look how about you two take separate rooms and I'll sleep on the couch on the third floor since I'm leaving in the morning."

Chubs looked her up and down. "Or you can sleep with me?" Ashlynn smirked. "That's cute but I'll pass."

Ramsey frowned as she stepped off the elevator with Aubrey close behind her. "Why you three up hear making all this damn noise?" She looked in the room across from hers where Chubs and 40 were arguing. "I told them to share a room since I was already in the other room but they started arguing. Now I've offered to sleep on the loft till morning since I'm leaving."

"Where you going so fast?" Chubs asked putting Amir down.

"To go pick up my son of you must know." She folded her arms and looked at him in annoyance.

Amir walked sleepily to Aubrey and hugged his right leg. "Daddy I'm sleepy." Aubrey picked him up and rubbed his hand up and down his back gently. "Can I just sleep on the couch or something?" 40 suggested. "Hell no." Ramsey cut in. "You're not gonna be fuckin my leather up." She said getting irritated. "Can't you two sleep in the same bed so Aubrey and Amir can sleep in the other?"

"Nope not happening. I'm sorry but 40 sweats in his sleep and I just can't deal with it." Chubs sat on the bed getting tired of the situation at hand. Ramsey put a hand on her forehead trying not to let this stress her out. "These two can sleep with you Ramsey. You got all that bed to yourself you can make room." Ashlynn said motioning to Aubrey and Amir with a quick smirk.

What the fuck? Does this bitch want me to kick her down some steps? I know what her ass is trying to do. Amir can sleep with me all he wants but Aubrey... I'm just not ready for all that but I'm getting tired of dealing with this bedroom shit. Ramsey thought as 40 started arguing with Chubs and Ashlynn. I'll just have to suck it up.

"Fine." She said making everybody avert their attention to her. "They can sleep with me. Now everyone just go to bed it's to late for all this." With that she left out the room and across the hall to her bedroom.

Aubrey wanted to drop Amir and do a cartwheel.

Chubs gave him a knowing look before grabbing his bags. "Would you mined showing me to my room?" Chubs asked Ashlynn. "I don't see why not." They left out the room leaving Aubrey, 40, and a sleeping Amir. "Sorry about that man. You know how he is." 40 sat on the edge of the bed and put his sock back on.

"Don't worry about it." Aubrey couldn't help but to be excited even though he knew Ramsey wasn't about to let him try anything. "Good luck in there man." 40 said going to the bathroom in the room.


Aubrey put a duffle bag on his shoulder with one hand and took a hold of his and Amirs suitcases. Juggling his son and all his bags had became something he had to get used to. Amir slept wherever he could. Which meant Aubrey would have to carry him a lot while managing to do other things.

He wheeled out the room and across the hall to Ramsey's bedroom. "Raja give me a damn break." She said sitting down on the edge of the bed with her right hand on her chest. "You okay?" Aubrey leaned the bags against the wall and laid Amir on the bed gently. "Yeah I just have heart burn."

"How long have you been having that?" He asked while taking Amir's shoes off. "Since Monday... So for about a week now." She stood up slowly and went into the bathroom to tie up her hair. Aubrey took a note of that to ask the doctor at the appointment. "Mir, let's put your pajamas on buddy." He said sitting him up and taking his shirt off while Amir sleepily raised his arms.

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