6. Anxious

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"What do you mean my room won't be ready for another two days? I Booked my room a week and a half ago... Repeat that again... They extended their stay? What the fuck? Kick them out, you all know how I do when I come to New York... Save it, I'll figure something out." I tossed my phone in my lap and looked out the window trying not to get crazy. The Ritz said the suite I have when I'm in town is booked for the next two days. It's some group coming to perform for some festival around here. And Chubs called a few other hotels that are near Ramsey and the hospital and they're all booked too.

"Maybe you should called Bird?" 40 suggested.

"She probably not gonna go for anything of that." Calling Ramsey is what I'm trying to avoid. The conversation we last had didn't go to well and I'm really not trying to call her unless I have too. "Then where we gone stay at?" Chubs asked brushing his hair with his hand.

"I could call Odell but you know the season is about to start." I'm out of options and the only one still open is Ramsey. "Just call her man. I'm sure she gone let us crash at her place till a hotel opens. Besides we can't sit outside the airport forever." Chubs said looking at the screaming fans that surrounded the car. Amir covered his ears with his hands and I put my arm around him. Chubs patted the partition to tell the driver to move. I don't know how my fans find out where I'm at so fast. I know they're are some who track my every move, but sometimes it's like they know where I'm gonna be before I know I'm gonna be there.

I'm not trying to stay at a hotel across town from Ramsey or the hospital. I want to stay close so I can jump into action when her water breaks.

"I guess I have no choice. I'll call her."


"Indi shut up!" He's been barking for the past five minutes straight. I sat up and turned the lamp on that sat beside my bed. "I know Raja, he's loud." She was finally sleeping after kicking the shit out of me after I had that Taco Bell. But now she's back at it, every time Indigo barks she thinks it's her turn to turn up. I walked down the hall to see Ashlynn putting the leash on him.

"He just has to go outside." She said sleepily. "Thanks." I turned back around heard my phone ringing from my room. "What now?" I squinted my eyes at this bright ass screen to see Aubrey calling me. "What does he want?!" I sat on the edge of the bed and put my phone to my war. "It's five in the morning, what could you possibly need?"

"I'm sorry. I'm here in New York and all the hotels are here filled and we don't have a place to go. I was wondering if we could stay at your place till we can get into a hotel?"

Aubrey here? With me? Bitttcchhhh... Raja already stressing me out, I don't need to be awkwardly prancing around him all day. It's to early for this shit.

"I guess. I'll text you my adress." I hung up and sent him my adress and put my phone on my night stand before I crawled back into my bed.


I told the driver the adress and put my phone back in my pocket of my jacket.

"What she say?" 40 asked.

"She said yeah."

"Well you don't sound to happy about it."

"I'm just nervous that's all."

The whole way there I felt like I had to throw up. I'm not ready to face her but my baby is gonna be here any minute now. I need to stop being scared and man up but it's going to be hard looking at her knowing I hurt her the way I did. I even talked to Jade again about that night. She said she didn't drug me or nothing she just took advantage of the fact that I was drunk. Which is still fucked up but at least she was honest. That didn't give me any peace of mind after that and I'm sure that conversation wouldn't help me make things right with Ramsey.

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