How bad could it be?

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Harry Potter was bored.He was the only boy in the entire sixth year Gryffindor dorms who had not come down with a horrible and highly contagious case of Dragon Pox. It seemed while Harry was serving detention for coloring professor Snape's robes bright purple and dying his hair bright blonde (which made Snape look like a demented version of Gilderoy Lockhart) the other Gryffindor boys had gone out for an impromptu game of Quidditch and have been thoroughly drenched in freezing rain. The next day they were coughing, and sneezing, but wanting to avoid a lecture from the overbearing Madame Pomfrey, the boys avoided going to the hospital wing until they sprouted horns, developed purple spots, and started shooting balls of fire from their mouths. Harry had been checked and had luckily avoided being contaminated, however he was now completely alone until Snape could finish making Dragon Pox remedies, which took more than a week to brew. Harry privately thought Snape was purposely taking as much time as possible.

Harry sighed and decided to go to the library to find Hermione. He found her there pouring a large tome as usual.
"Hey Hermione" Harry sighed as he dropped a seat next to her. Hermione looked up and smiled.
"Hello Harry, what are you doing here? I thought you already finished your homework." In a fit of absolute boredom Harry had already done all his homework and several assignments that weren't due for another couple of weeks.
"I did I am just so bored.There's nothing to do no quidditch practice, no homework, and I can't play chess or exploding snap with Ron like I'd normally do" Harry pouted Hermione looked up at her friend smiled at the cute puppy face that he was making.
"Well I'll hang out with you, Harry, but I'm spending the day with Lavender,Patil,Ginny, and a few other girls.In fact "Hermione looked down at her watch" I'm meeting them in a few minutes." Hermione began shoving things into her bag.
"Oh" Harry said sounding very put out. "Well that's okay,maybe I can redo my potions essay or something" He muttered in a despondent voice.
"Well perhaps you can join us" Hermione said thoughtfully "But you'll be the only boy. It might feel uncomfortable.Harry shrugged
" I don't mind,Anything is better than sitting around by myself all day." Harry and Hermione walked out of the library and was surprised when he saw that Hermione was going in a different direction than going to the Gryffindor tower.
"Hey Hermione where are we going? Harry asked
"We are going to the room of requirement, because Padma,Parvati's sister and her friends are coming and they aren't allowed in our Common room" Harry nodded in approval.
They walked up to the room of requirement and Hermione knocked on the door
"Who is it?" Came Parvati's voice
"It's Hermione and I brought a guest"
"That's okay the more the merrier" the door swung open
"Hey Hermione and-oh-my hello Harry! Parvati greeted the pair. Hermione smiled.
"Hope you don't mind that I brought him. He's alone while the other boys are sick." Parvati nodded
"Of course I don't mind,poor baby" She cooed at Harry, who blushed slightly. Parvati led them to a room that looked a lot like the Gryffindor common room,except that there were only a few short tables and lots of small cushy chairs and beanbags littering the floor instead of the usual homework tables and chairs. The walls were a soft baby blue, and he could feel a soft thick carpet underneath his feet.
Ginny was sitting on a beanbag with one of her feet propped on a table and painting her toes a soft pink color. Luna Lovegood was having her tea leaves read by Lavender at another table.Padma Patil was standing on the floor in front of a mirror putting curlers in her hair,they all turned to see the trio enter the room. Harry was uncomfortably unaware that all seemed to be focusing on him

Harry swallowed nervously. There is nothing to be afraid of. These were the girls he saw everyday.There was reason to be nervous,after all,how bad could it be?

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