Harry Joins the Girls

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Parvati smiled"Everyone, Harry will be joining us for the day since he is the only sixth year boy left in Gryffindor."
The girls nodded. They remembered the recent outbreak of  dragon pox in the Gryffindor dorms.
"Hermione,Harry, why don't you come and sit over here?" Ginny gestured to a couple of large coupons next to her. Hermione smiled and made her way with Harry trailing behind her.
"What color would you like you toenails?" Ginny asked
Hermione thought for a moment
"Red please,It will go with my fingernails" Hermione held up her red tipped fingernails.
Ginny nodded
"What about you Harry?"
Harry was about to say that he liked his toenails the way they were thank you very much,but Hermione interrupted him.
"I think a nice blue would go with his skin tone"
Ginny nodded
"Hey wait a minute!" Harry cut in "Don't I get a say in this?"
"Oh! Sorry, Harry" Ginny apologized. Harry sighed in relief
"What color do you want?" She asked
"I don't want my toenails painted in any color! Painting nails are for girls!"
"Um,incase you forgot we are girls,and no one will see them unless you routinely go running around without your shoes on"
"Well, incase you forgot, I'm a guy, and guys don't get their nails painted."
"Oh,come on Harry. You wanted to spend the day with us, and it's not like anyone will know" Hermione wheedled
"Please,Harry"Ginny gave him the puppy eyes.
Harry sighed
"I know I'm going to regret this,but okay"
Ginny and Hermione beamed
"Okay,who wants to go first?" Ginny asked
Before Harry could say anything,Hermione spoke up
"Harry can go since Lavender wanted to do my hair when she's finished predicted Luna's future."
Hermione rolled her eyes,but new better than criticize divination while in the same room with Lavender Brown or Parvati Patil.
"Alright,Harry what color would you like your nails?"
"I tought you were gonna paint them blue"
Ginny rolled her eyes
"Harry,there's more than one color of blue, especially when it comes to nail polish. There's sky blue,baby blue midnight blue,Aqua,Sapphire,cerulean,azure,lazuline,blue dome,sparkling blue,dark, almost black blue,light,nearly white blue,royal blue,ocean blue,ice blue,Prussian blue,iron blue,crystal blue,turquoise,blue bell, blue violet,beryl,cobalt,indigo,teal,ultramarine,neon blue, and etc."
Harry's head was spinning. Why would anyone make or buy so many different kinds of just one color just to decorate there fingernails or toenails was beyond him. He'd never understood women.Harry sighed and picked up a bottle of dark blue polish. Ginny inspected his choice.
"Ah,midnight blue.good choice.Now pull of your shoes and put your feet on the table."
Harry considered leaving his socks on as a joke, but he wouldn't put past Ginny to paint his fingernails in retribution if he did.
"Awww..., Harry you have such cute little toes!" Ginny cooed when she saw his feet and began to tickle it mercilessly.
"Ginny!Stop it!" Harry cried between his laughter.
"Is little Harry ticklish?" Ginny asked with an evil grin
"Come on Gin, I think he's had enough" Hermione called from across the room
"Okay." She pouted and reluctantly realeased Harry's poor, tormented foot.
"If you think I'm trusting you with my foot now then you're crazy ."
"Oh,come on Harry it's not my fault you such cute little feet." Ginny grinned at her friends flushed face."
"And, if you don't give me you're foot,I'll paint your fingernails and I'll make sure it's a nice pink color."
Harry paled and surrendered his foot,grumbling about evil,foot torturing women.
"Great!" Ginny grinned and began decorating his toenails.Harry sighed and cast another look around the room.
Luna was painting each of her nails a different color, so far she had red, green, blue, orange,black,and one striped purple and pink nail.Harry shook his head with a small,amused smile. Luna had always been rather unique. Padma was now pulling the curlers out of her hair, and Lavender was braiding several strands of Hermione's hair. Parvati was using what looked like a black pencil to outline her eyes, and Ginny had started on Harry's other foot.
"Alright,Harry you need to wait for a few minutes for it to dry"
Harry nodded and watched as Ginny looked around thoughtfully before muttering something to soft for him to hear.
He startled when a large box materialized next to her. She had obviously asked the room for something.
"What's in the box?" Harry asked curiously
Ginny grinned evilly, an action that did not bode with Harry.
"you'll see" she replied mysteriously
Harry's feeling of unease doubled.
Ginny leaned over and whispered something to Hermione, who mimicked Ginny's evil grin and leaned over to whisper something to Parvati.Parvati muttered something to Padma,who walked over and whispered something to Luna.

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