Box of Torture

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I'm doomed
We're the first words that came into Harry's mind when Harry noticed decidedly wicked expressions all the girls(barring Luna, who looked lost in her thoughts and vaguely amused) were wearing.Harry swallowed nervously.
Hermione opened the box and began to dig through, and emerged triumphantly holding a long piece of blue cloth in her hands.
The six girls talked briefly amongst themselves before Lavender approached Harry with a far too innocent smile.
"Hey,Harry could I try on your glasses?"
Harry blinked, he wasn't expecting that.
"Well,I have been having a hard time reading the board in class and I might need glasses, So I want to borrow yours and see how I'd look in them."
"Um,alright" Harry pulled off his glasses and handed it to the Lavender shaped blur in front of him
All of the girls chuckled at how Lavender looked in Harry's round glasses.
Hermione took advantage of Harry's temporary eyesight impairment to sneak up behind him and pull the blue dress she had been holding over his head.
Harry spluttered,but he could not remove the dress as it was pinning his arms to his sides.He felt being pushed into one direction and someone putting his glasses back on his face.Harry found himself in front of a floor length mirror. He was wearing a long,simple dress with a skirt that reached the floor. The girls whistled and catcalled as Harry stared at his reflection in horror. Even Hermione said that the spores went well with his toenails and his skin tone.
"Some friend she is" Harry grumbled and even tried to get out of the dress.
"Here,Harry let me help you" Hermione said as she pulled out her wand.
"Finally" Harry thought
Hermione brought down her wand but instead of the dress being removed, he felt his robe,T-shirt, and jeans disappear from beneath the dress.
"Hermione!" Harry only wearing the dress and boxers.
"Oh,I'm sorry Harry,here let me fix it"
With another wave,Harry's were now incased in a pair of dressy, high-heeled sandals that showed off his blue toenails.
"Hermione" Harry growled dangerously
"Oh, lighten up Harry" Harry had never thought he'd hear those words coming from Hermione Granger.
"I'll change it back before you leave.Now help me pick out a nice dress."
Hermione dragged her poor friend to the box she had pulled his dress out of, not wanting to trip and fall over his tall shoes.
Harry glanced into the box and saw something silky and red.
"How about this?" he asked,holding up the dress.Hermione looked the dress over and nodded in approval.
"Good choice,Harry and its in nice Gryffindor red too. Hermione waved her wand and robes disappeared and replaced by the dress. It was a simple but,lovely dress that came down to her knees and had spaghetti strap sleeves. She was also wearing red sandal-like dress shoes. Hermione smiled and walked back to the mirror.Smiling at her reflection,she began to apply eyeshadow.
Luna was wearing a black cocktail dress and a pair of black shoes and was using a spell to lengthen her eyelashes magically. Lavender had found a bright,flowery dress with a matching hat and shoes and now applying some light lipstick. Padma had found a lovely floor length white gown, and Parvati found a soft pink dress that reached until her ankles.
"Hey, Harry," Hermione called while holding a tube of lipstick."I think this is your color"

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