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Let's sail away
Watches the waves as we sing
Can we spend a week on holiday?
I want to show its more than a teenage fling
We can slow dance along with the ocean
The cold making our cheeks flush
Spend days at a time in slow motion
Because there's no rush

Let's watch the autumn breeze make the leaves blow
Holding hands as walk
There's nowhere we'd want to go
The others may balk
But there's no other way I'd spend my evening
Being with you is the best feeling

Let's watch the snow fall
Music gently playing in the distance
Our own private little ball
Forgive me for my persistence
I just wanna snuggle close to you
Laugh at your little remarks
I fell for you, like the snowflakes do
That's why, when i'm with you I feel sparks

Let's get dirty
Put the flowers out for spring
Can you stop being flirty?
I get it, it's not a fling
If you keep teasing
I'll pour this water on you
You're lucky you're so pleasing
Otherwise I'd hate what I'm about to do

Let's do all that and more
I've got something I need to say
Loving you was never chore
And I've done it more and more each day
Trust me I'm not lying
I want to be together-
Shut up I'm not crying!
I want to be together, now and forever

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