What now? (Alec HardyxReader)

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You're walking down the streets with hands in your pockets. The sky is all clouded and everything seems as grey as you inside right now. It happened. You completed last year of edication in high school. That should make you happy but... what now? What are you supposed to do now?! You've never felt so blue in your life, not like this. Everything seems pointless, you're scared of future... A sound of new messege breaks you out of your unpleasant thoughts. You look with sad face at the screen. It's Alec. You tap the messege 'hey I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you all right? Fancy some coffee?' you bite your lower lip and stop walking. After a second you decide to not bother him with you. He's probably tired like always and just trying to be kind. 'Not in a mood, don't want to ruin your day' you reply sadly and keep walking. You sigh when you feel your phone buzzing again. 'Please, we'll see what we can do about it' you swallow and nod to yourself. 'fine' you send him a short respond and motion to the street where his house is.

You rise your hand to ring the door when he opens it. He smiles a little and view of his handsome face, messy hair and big chocolate eyes makes you feel better already. Or less horrible at least. 'Hello, sweetheart' he grabs you inside and to his chest, cuddling you close and kissing softly you lips. 'Hello, Alec' corners of you lips curl up as you wrap your arms around his waist. His neck is far too high. He pulls you from his bear hug gently and leads you to his living room, holding small of your back. You sit down on the couch and watch him making a coffee. He's just too perfect to be real, you think and stare as he hands you your cup of coffee with two layers of whipped cream and cinnamon. Too perfect. He places himself as close to you as possible and holds your hand with his, holding his cup in the other one. 'Tell me everything, y/n' his deep loving voice works like a relaxing hot bath for your body and you feel your muscules aren't so tense anymore. 'I know this is going to sound lame but... I don't know what to do with my life. And literally this time, I just don't know what to do. Now when school is over I should choose a collage and stuff...' he nodes, his intelligent eyes show you understanding. 'Are you happy with the decition you made? Doing what you do?' 'Yes, well... I wonder as all people do where would I be if I hadn't. But I followed myself only. Darling, I'm not so good in giving advise but I think you should give yourself time. Now do whatever you can, just live, and when the moment, the thought comes, you'll know' he strokes back of your hand 'Yes but, what if it won't. And I'll never know?' you hide your face in his chest like it could protect you from the outside world. 'Then do what you feel you wanna do at the moment. And don't wonder too long' he laughs shortly and pecks top of your nose, rising your head so he can look into your eyes. 'Don't worry, y/n. You'll be fine, you're strong and brilliant. There's whole world waiting out there for you' you lean to kiss passionately this time his lips and your all problems seem to disappear. There's only warmth and touch of his body.

'What would I do without you' you ask quietly, cuddling close to him. He smirks at that and closes his arms around you, placing his jaw on the top of your head. 'I love you, y/n' he whispers 'I love you too, Alec' you reply and feel completely calm. Everything will be fine no matter what.

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