Reader x DTcharacters winter edition

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Barty Crouch Jr 

'y/n! Can we have  a moment after the lesson?' Alastor Moody was sitting by his desk as you walked into the classroom, first as always. It was your last year at Hogwarts and so far his Defence Against the dark arts lessons were the best ones ever. Not only they were extraordinary and controversial, the proffesor always complimented your spells and homeworks. 'Of course, sir' you say cheerfully and take a sit in the first desk, unpacking your wand and notebook, along with an ink and a pen. The snow was falling outside and you could see the rooftop of one of the towers covered in white beautifly. You brushed your hair behind your ear and turn your dreamy gaze back on the proffesor as the lesson began. 

The lecture was extremely interesting and you were looking forward staying afterwards. He sometimes showed you some extra spells. You wait 'till everyone leaves the classroom and you get up to walk up to his desk. Alastor stood up and walked, limping to close the door. You gave him a small smile and waited but then his face went pale. Your eyes widened as he coughed and his body started to shake. 'S-sir?' You ask shakily, too shocked to run for help, and kneel next to Moody as he fell on the cold floor. You gripped his arm, terrified but found it much thinner than you expected. You looked up at him and shifted away to the door, pressing your back against it. His face changed and you weren't looking at your proffesor anymore. 'Ugh agh... sorry, miss. I must have scared you' you heard pretty high but very pleasurable voice. You curled under the door and glanced at the man as he got up and stretched. His face was rather handsome, framed with messy dark brown hair and his just as dark eyes with happy sparks in them, suspended on you. 

You breath in and out trying to steady your breath and shake a little 'W-who are you?' you ask anxiously and hesitate when he offers his hand to help you get up from the floor. 'Barty Crouch... Junior' he says and smiles warmly at you. He's very tall and Mad Eye's rags don't fit him at all.  You shrugg not recalling that name and take his hand, as he firmly places you back on your feet. 'I... I'm confused' you frown and rub your temples 'where's proffesor?' you look up at him 'I am your proffesor. Just undercover' he grins and winks to you. 'I'll explain everything to you, y/n. But only if you agree to eat dinner with me' the man chuckled and kissed the back of your hand. You smile a little as he really seems nice and nod. He didn't look much older than you. Maybe five or six years, no more. 'But why would you possibly want to have a dinner with me?' you question and lean on his desk, staring at him. The longer you looked at him, the more you fancied him, and you started to feel funny giggling in your belly when Barty spoke up 'Is it so strange for a man to ask a beautiful woman out?' he smirks and bites his lower lip as his eyes go from your soft hair to your feet and back up. Your heart flutters happily and a blush spreads on your cheeks 'I don't know who you are... but, I guess I have to accept this lovely offer' you say quietly trying to smile more, but you're still shocked that your favorite proffesor turned out to be absolutely gorgeous man in his twenties. His smirk turns into a wide grin as he takes out something from his drawer. It's a small box wrapped around silver paper with a red bow on it. 'I know, y/n, you must be confused and I think there's a hint of fear in your eyes but I swear I'll tell you everything. Now all I want you to know is that I think you are absolutely beautiful and smart and I wanted to give you this. Merry christmas' He says softly and hands you the box and you look at him astonished. 'I- er... thank you, sir' you say and gently take off the paper from the object 'Oh no, please, call me Barty' he says cheerfully and looks at you carefully 'Do you like it?' he asks as the box reveals pretty earrings in <your house> colours. Your breath hitches and you feel the urge to hug him 'I don't know what to say! It's... perfect' you whisper and lock your eyes on them. You look up at him as he smiles overjoyed and you instantly hug him tight, and the man hugs back happily, lifting you up a little 'thank you' you repeat and peck his cheek. 'you're welcome, love' Crouch says and gives you a small peck on the cheek as well. You smile warmly as you notice a slight blush on his cheeks as well and glance down. 'Well then... I can't wait for the dinner' 

Alec Hardy

You were working in a local cafe, when this handsome DI agent started working on a case in Broadchurch. You were wearning a tiny skirt with a cafe apron and a white v-line shirt. You were cleaning the counter as it was very early and none came along to buy a coffee yet.

 You went to wash the cloth when you heard cheerful bell, marking someone's entrance. You walked up to the counter, smiling kindly and your smile even brightened when you saw who that was. 'Good morning, mr Hardy. That would be a tea for you, as always, right?' you ask grinning as you take a look at him. 'Yes, thank you, y/n' his deep voice replies and you feel warm inside as he used your name. He knew it because it was on a small badge right next to the cafe's logo, pinned to your shirt, but it made you feel all fuzzy inside anyway. He took a sit and you prepared him a tea, placing it on a small soucer. 'It's freezing outside, isn't it?' you say and walk around the counter, heading to his table 'Nah, I come from Scotland, it's nothing compared to there' he chuckles and you bite your lover lip, hearing his thick accent. 'Right' you reply shortly, focusing on the cup you're holding, not spill out the hot water. You approach to his right side and bend down to place it in front of him. He's so close you can smell his manly cologne and you smirk a little to yourself. And just in the moment you place the soucer on the table, you feel his scruff against your cheek as he gives you a light peck. Your heart skips a beat and you touch your cheek subcontiously, staring at him in shock. 'I- I'm so sorry, y/n... I don't know what came over m-' he starts to apologise, his cheeks lightly pink, but you stop him by pressing your lips against his. Now he's the one astonished and you just stare into each other's eyes. Alec clears his throat and stands up, making you look up at him as he's very tall man. 'Would you mind having a tea together when you have time?' he asks and you smile overjoyed 'Not at all, I'd be honoured' you say nibbling your lover lip and jump a little as another customer comes in 'oh hello Ellie!' you clear your throat and walk behind the counter, as Hardy glances down at his cup. 

10th Doctor

You were sitting in the door of the TARDIS with your legs hanging to the space. You glanced at all the stars and planets shining so close and looked back down on your journal. It was around christmas time on earth, according to your way of counting the days between time and space you traveled in. You sigh happily and nearly fall out at Doctor's loud voice 'Y/n! What did I tell you about sitting like that?!' He yelled with this funny accent of his and you rolled your eyes 'Sorry mom!' you respond and get up, walking up to him. He glares slightly but just for a moment, he can't be mad at you for very long. 'Doctor! Can we decorate a christmas tree?' you ask cheerfully and lean on the panel control, carefull not to press any button or pull any lever. 'Here in the TARDIS?' he asks surprised and looks at the ceiling, thinking about it. 'Yeaahh... could be arranged' he says and you clap your hands joyfully. He opens a hidden locker in the floor and mumbles something 'Christmas... christmas bubbles, christmas table, christmas angles don't touch...' you try to peek in there but then all of a sudden he shouts out loud 'YEAH!!! Christmas tree!' he grins and takes out a big christmas tree from this small locker and you sigh. 'Is everything here bigger on the inside?' You ask more yourself than the Doctor and help him to place the tree near the entrance. 'I like it' You say and hold Doctor's hand before you two hurry to take out some decorations. 

You look at the chains and bubbles 'They're all tardis themed' you chuckle and start to decorate the tree and the Doctor helps you. You wrap it around silver and dark blue chains and cover with different sized bubbles, placing a big silver star on top. You both take a few steps back and lit the tree, admiring your work. 'Whoa' he says and grins, pulling you to his side 'yeah' you nod and lye your head on his shoulder 'It's so pretty'

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