What happens in ski lodge stays in ski lodge

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Lucas P-O-V

Me and Riley had been hanging out a lot so I decided to over and hang with her and Maya. I told Farkle where I was going and he said okay. I knocked on the door and Maya answered wearing her swim suit. "Oh hey hopalong your girlfriends not here right now but I guess you could come in" she said as she pulled a shirt on over her top. I smiled and said "well I was here to see you any ways." Really? She said. "Yea" I said. She said well we can watch a movie. I said ok and at the same time we said "don't look behind you!" We started laughing and me and Maya both said "Riley won't watch it with me". She pulled the movie out of her bag and put it in the tv. I sat down beside her on the bed and threw some shorts at her to put on. She said "you want me to put those on?" Yea I told her. She said to bad I was about to go to the hot tub when you interrupted. So she pulled covers over her. The movie started and about 1/3 of the way through I said do you want something to drink. She said no so I grabbed a root beer out of the fridge. I say back down on the bed beside her. She said I changed my mind I am thirsty.  I got up to go get her a drink but she grabbed my root beer and took a drink. "Oh you didn't!" I said. "I did. What are you gonna do about it?" I started tickling her and she was laughing so hard she screamed "truce!" So I stopped. We were still laughing and we leaned in. Our lips crashed together and about 9 minutes later the door opened.

Maya's P-O-V

Me and Lucas were about 9 minutes into our make out session when the door opened. The person said "oh hey Maya I came to return your.." It was Josh. He smiled and said I didn't know you two were dating. I looked at him and said "we aren't but he is dating Riley so please don't tell anybody. " I was still out of breath and I was breathing fast. So was Lucas. Lucas added "and it didn't mean anything." I felt hurt by his words because that kiss meant so much to me. It was like when it's 109 degrees outside and it rains for a minute and the sun comes back out then a rainbow appears and the temperature drops like 30 degrees. But I guess he felt differently. I just added a smile.

Lucas P-O-V

Josh walked out the door and I decided I needed to leave. I lied to Maya and Josh saying it didn't mean anything but it was amazing. It was spicy and heated. Any longer it would have advanced into something undeniably. I ran back to my room and explained everything to Farkle. He said "I can't believe you said that in front of Maya. If she felt something she most definitely can't stand you anymore." I told him I knew. I asked him to go talk to her so he left the room.

Farkles P-O-V

I can't believe the western hero was stupid enough to say he felt nothing. Even I wouldn't say that. I knocked on her door and she opened in her swim suit. She smiled at me and said "hey. Why do you guys keep interrupting me in my swimsuit?" I laughed and said "we have censors" she punched my arm and kissed my cheek like she always does. I kissed hers back and we smiled. She said "do u need something?" I said yea I did and I asked about her and Lucas's kiss. She said she didn't know how to feel but she knows she felt something. I figured that. I could tell by how they act around each other. I told her he regretted saying he felt nothing because he did and she smiled at me hugged me and pushed me out the door.

Lucas P-O-V

Farkle walked in and said "dude she likes you". I smiled but pushed it away. He said "and I know you like her too." I said "how could you possibly know that." He said "it's in your eyes. The way you look at her". I asked him what I should do and he said "don't hurt Riley. You need to go talk to her and break up with her." I said ok and left. I walked to Riley and Maya's door and knocked. Riley answered and said to come in so I did.  I asked where Maya was. She said she went to the hot tub which sounded just like Maya. I said " Riley, me and you have always been great at talking but never at holding hands or kissing." She smiled and kissed me o the cheek. I said "aren't we more like..." She cut me off and said "brother and sister?" Yea I replied. How did you know I asked. She told me she had felt that way a while but she pushed it away. I told her about my feelings for Maya and she smiled and said well go get your girl. I went to the hot tub but she wasn't there. I searched everywhere until I went back to my room. I saw her and someone else in there. It looked like they were in a full on make out session I got closer until I saw who it was. It was....

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