Chapter 9: Escaping A Ghost House

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Bounding down the hall, I went down to the first floor. After a solid hour of trying to open every possible exit route, I was at a loss and was starting to feel fatigue kicking in. Giving in for today, I wondered back to my room. A light seeped from sans' room. Was he still awake? it was way past midnight! What could he be doing at this time? My feet lead me to his door, raising my hand, I was about to knock, when the door slowly opened. A tired looking skeleton rubbed at his eye socket not noticing me at first. "What are you doing here?" he asked, leaning on the door frame casually and letting out a yawn. "Nothing" turning on my heel, I started walking back to my room. "Oh really?" he retorted at me. Not answering, I shut my door so I couldn't hear his ignorant voice.

Not bothering to change, I laid in the bed and decided to call it quits for today.

Waking up, I was pleasantly suprised to find my door unlocked. Freely walking down the hallway like a dog without their leash, I decided to try the second floor. Opening every room and trying every window. The only room I didn't check was sans' bedroom or office, who knows how much trouble I could get in for snooping around there. A part of me was curious though. Walking down the familiar hall I checked both ways, no signs of life faltered my plans as I strode to the door like I owned the place. Placing my hand on the door, I was expecting it to be locked, it let out a satisfying click. Sneaking in I closed the door quietly behind me.

Rounding the corner I paused in my tracks. Retreating back I stared cautiously at the figure passed out on the bed. Mid-day and there he was taking a nap. Leaning against the wall I could hear his light snoring in the crisp tense air. Then a sudden stop in breaths caused me to freeze. This was an awful idea. Hearing movement, I dipped into the nearest door. Closing it swiftly behind me I found myself in a bathroom. Maybe I could hide in the bath. Locking the door, slowly relief washed over me when my eyes locked on to a window, the tiniest opening presented under the lock. Rushing towards, it I undid the safety latch and swung it open. Climbing up I sat in the window. Staring down at the ground I let out a deep breath, I was only on the second story, but it still sent chills up my spine. Noticing the sound of footsteps, I sprang into action. Propelling myself forward, I held my breath, and closed my eyes.

Vendetta Heist (Mafia Yandere Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now