Chapter 11: A Small Intervention

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Sitting on the couch as instructed by some men earlier, I waited in more boredom than anticipation. Staring down at my hands, I fidgeted in my seat. The sounds of the door opening made me glance up and lock gazes with the two skeletons. Strolling in, Sans took the arm chair, and Papyrus took the sofa across from me.

An eerie silence lingered, "what happened to your ankle..." Sans pointed. "None of your business" I replied "She Tripped Down The Stairs" Papyrus lied. "Really?" Sans moved his gaze over to his brother. "So, why exactly did you arrange this meeting with me?" he asked bluntly. Papyrus crossed his arms over his chest. "You Need To Treat ______ Right!" he broke out. Sans took a glance of shock at his brother, then soon let out a low sigh. "She Can't Be Cooped Up In Here" Papyrus argued. I was shocked, yet grateful that finally someone was standing up for me. Papyrus was on my side. "I'm not letting her leave" Sans explained. "I'll Go With Her Then! I'll Make Sure She Comes Back" Papyrus suggested, seeing Sans was being to stubborn to move on the decision. Papyrus noticed this quickly and spoke up "OK, Why Don't You Take Her Out Then" Sans glanced over at me.

I just stared back at him keeping my mouth closed I wasn't promising anything. To be honest, I didn't want to go out anywhere with the retch, I just wanted to get out of here, away from him, away from it all. Papyrus noticed his change in mood, "Maybe For A Picnic In The Park" Sans suddenly scowled "No". Papyrus let out a long sigh leaning back on his chair. "What about the garden? " Sans suggested flatly, seeing the persistence in his brother's character. I took a deep breath, realizing my chances of escape had diminished in an instant.

Papyrus gave a smile towards Sans, and gave him a hug. "Thank You Brother!" he beamed. Sans let out a small laugh "It ain't no Brother" he joked. Making Papyrus return a groan of disapproval. This is how I remembered them both. Sans, the calm and wise cracking brother, and Papyrus, the kind and energetic brother. How did they get involved in all this? "What are you smiling at?" Sans' words turned cold again, as he stared at me. Unconsciously staring back, Papyrus turned to me and ruffled my hair. "Heh, She's Probably Happy About The Picnic!" he explained joyously. "No, just nostalgic" I replied truthfully, and bluntly, seeming to suprise them both. Sans seemed curious but didn't ask, standing up, he headed to the door "See you at lunch" he stated, quickly leaving the room.

His static nature unnerved me.Maybe this picnic will help him recollect  our history together, and maybe afterwards, he might even let me go! It was a long shot, but I still prayed that would be the outcome. Glancing up at Papyrus, I smiled "Thank you for trying to help" he pulled me into a hug. " I'd Do Anything To Help A Friend In Need" he let me go smiling widely. "Maybe You Can Even Go Into Town Next Time!" he knew my plan yet he kept this naive nature, as if trying to fool himself and Sans.

A question came to mind "Papyrus..
." I called before he also left. "Yes?" he replied, turning back to me. "Are you fine with all of..... this?" I questioned, he knew I was referring to the mafia. He paused, frowning "No, I Never Really Was...." he spoke quietly his demeanor becoming more depressed by each word he spoke. He soon left without another word, leaving me alone again in the massive, cryptic Manor.

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