Chapter 16: A Midnight Snack With A Wolf

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A hand rattled me slowly as I was shook to attention.  "_____, you can't sleep out here" opening my eyes, I let out a small agitated sigh. "come on, let's get you inside before you freeze"
Getting pulled up to my feet, he held me firmly as he lead me off the balcony.  slowly, he helped me down the stairs and into the kitchen. "midnight snack" he smiled at me then placed a bony finger over his mouth-like teeth. "Don't tell paps" he stated as he flicked on the lights. Placing myself onto a stool, I realized how heavy my eyes were,  yet I was too scared to close them. Opening the fridge, then a cupboard, Sans returned with a plate of cookies. Taking the stool beside me, he asked "So what happened?" he lent on his hand lazily glancing at me. Taking a cookie, I took a small bite. "I. I saw myself dead" I mumbled, recalling the events made me lose my appetite. He looked curiously at me, clearly seeking more information. "An ocean..." I shivered "that froze to ice, then the thunder, cracking the ice to a storm, and a bottomless abyss of oil like water..." taking the half eaten cookie, I set it back on the plate like it wasn't mine. My throat felt dehydrated and cracked, from the screaming. Turning to sans, he let out a slight chuckle and ran his hand over my lips. "I don't think that pale complexion suits you" he smirked. "they said something to me. How the freezer.... was my first mistake" I breathed ".......I'll make sure it won't happen again. Ever. " his demeanor quickly changed, from one of listening to one with deep thoughts. he had caught on quickly.

Placing my head in my arms, I tried not to start crying again. I don't want to die. Not yet. "......Come on,let's get you back to bed" Sans spoke gently, patting my shoulder. Shaking my head, I resisted. I don't intend on going back to sleep. A long agitated sigh sounded. "That's a shame, considering I'm not taking no for an anwser" he grabbed at me.

Kicking my legs, I protested "Im not going back! I'm not! I'll never go back to that retched freezer for as long as I live!" I almost resorted back to tears. The room grew quite between the two of us "____, I'm not taking you back there." he sighed, holding me in his grip tighter. "I know, maybe you're getting confused this late as night. But let's sort this out in the morning." I felt my blood freeze hearing his words. It really is late at night. I really am in this situation. Placing me on my bed, he pulled the cover up over me, tucking me in. "night" he stated about to leave. "......don't leave... please" I reached a jittery hand out to him and managed to grab hold of his sleeve. A small sigh sounded from him, but he turned around, and pulled a chair from the side of the room. "I'll only stay until you fall asleep..." he agreed crossing his arms over his chest. I oddly started feeling better with that small promise.

Vendetta Heist (Mafia Yandere Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now