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Luke smiled at Michael as he walked into the bedroom.

"Are you ready for bed?" He asked, and Luke nodded.

Michael smiled at him, and laid down, kissing Luke's forehead.

"I love you," Luke whispered, kissing Michael's lips.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Michael whispered back, laying down, pulling Luke's back into his chest.

Luke couldn't sleep. He tried thinking of everything he could do in order to keep Ashton away. He couldn't tell Michael because Michael would be mad and go after Ashton. He couldn't tell Calum because he's Ashton's best friend. If he told the police, they would find out Luke had no proof, and Ashton would hurt him and Michael in the time the police wasn't focused on him.

Luke was just scared and all he could do as of now is cooperate.

He's been taken advantage of his entire life, and he finally thought it was all over, but he was so wrong.

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