Chapter 2

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Well the game was interesting Zach scored the winning goal and then pretended to jerk himself off to make fun of the other team for sucking so much so yeah. The game ended 'thank God' I thought. As I was about to leave Woody stopped me. "That was a great game Y/N. I have to go find Herman bye" Woody said as he hugged me and left "Bye Woody" I said while blushing. 'I hope he didn't notice me blushing, but he was warm and smelled really good- gah snap out of it Y/N' I thought. I went to go find my dad in the parking lot and saw some old lady flip him off he seemed really miserable, people were cussing and throwing cups at him "Hey dad rough night" I asked "Yeah but nothing out of the ordinary hey wait where's your sister" "Mindy went off to go hang with some friends probably at some party" I said "Well let's go and get her I'm pretty tired and I'm still on patrol duty for the night" "ok but can I patrol with you please there's no school tomorrow and I finished my homework for next week" I said " ok hop in the car also impressive with the homework all right let's go" he said "Alright"I said.

Hagan's (your dads) POV

I hop in the car with Y/ N. I start the car and drove to the party to get Mindy, also because there was a complaint so bonus "okay we're here  you want to come in with me or do you want to stay in the car" I said "I'll just stay in the car seems like you can take care of this" she said "ok I'll make this fast so I'll be in and out " I get out of the car and walk up to the house the door is unlocked and there are drunk kids everywhere. I see Mandy and walked up to her she was with her friends "oh hi daddy "Mindy said happily. I started lecturing her "There are two people who shouldn't see you drink your father and a cop and I'm both so-" just then some kid was pushed against the window "Please tell me that's not Zach"I sigh Mindy giggle then left to walk home since she was mad I walked outside to see Zach pushed into a hot tub.I tried to break up the fight when Zach punched me so I handcuff him "Hey what are you doing ass hole let me go"Zach yelled "You have the right to remain silent" I said as I exit the house and put him in the back of my car. "Hey see if Mindy needs a ride" Zach said "kid what part of remain silent do you not get" I said getting really annoyed. "Ok there is nothing to see here so everyone just go back inside" I said. As I was talking everyone started laughing and pointing so I look behind me only to see Zach pushing his butt against the window. I sighed and hopped in and start the car " Dad why are you arresting Zach" Y/N asked "Because your dads a dick" Zach yelled "I arrested Zach because he was starting a fight with someone I'm taking him down to the station then me and you could do some patrolling around the town "I said as we drove away. I heard a bump in the back only to see my bumper fall off 'this night can't get any worse' I thought. Just then the radio called and said that there was fireworks going off in a field. 'Great' I thought. "okay we're going to make a small detour I got to go see what's going on in this field probably some idiots you okay with that Y/N" I said " yeah Dad" She said.

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