Chpt. 9 (A Journeys Beginning)

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I stood up and walked into the little house and called for Bartholomew. He walked up to me with a sad look on his face. "What's bugging ya man?"

"I don't see why MonMon is mad at me. I didn't do anything wrong did I? She seems to know you. Did you know MonMon before I brought you?"

I let out a small sigh, "Yeah I did. Accept I knew her by her name, Monique. She was a good friend of mine when I was little.

"Like she is for me?"

"Yeah, how she is with you she was once that way with me. Treated me like her own son."

"She has a daughter but no sons." Bartholomew noted.

"What?!" I said with surprise. "She has a daughter? I never knew that. When I knew her she never told me. How old is her daughter?"

"I believe 19 or 20 years old to date."

I thought to myself, "The same age as me. And she never even brought up her daughter once."

"You okay Mitchell? You seem a little lost."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can't believe MonMon never told me these things before."

Bartholomew looked up at me with a smirk growing on his face, "See I'm helpful. I didn't do anything wrong. I....."

A loud shriek cut our conversation off very quickly. I grabbed my sword and took off outside and looked around in the direction I assumed that the shriek came from. I saw smoke drifting into the air, then horse hooves. Then I saw these dark riders coming my direction. I jumped to the side, then got up as fast as possible and ran towards the smoke. I saw a girl in the window which busted into flames. "Oh no," I thought to myself. I saw the blacksmith was away, his anvil was pulled up. I ran over and slashed the rope slamming the anvil down and throwing me into the air. I somersaulted into the window.

"Ma'am I know your in here! Call out to me!" I yelled.

"I'm over here!" I heard the small voice shout.

I blasted down the one door and saw her. She was trying to find a way away from the flames. "Hey! Come on! Let's Go!" I ran over and grabbed her then tied some left over bed sheets and curtains to Deathwolf. I through it out the window and pierced the wall of the building across the way and wrapped her up in my arms and jumped straight out the window holding the the sheets and curtains which as we fell slowly tore but my fit hit the ground before it tore completely off. I checked to see if she was okay. She nodded and fell to her knees. Some people immediately ran to her aid. I saw Deathwolf in the building. I saw some boxes in which I jumped one upon the other to land on Deathwolf's hilt. Which I did a forward somersault and grabbed the handle halfway through and detached it from the wall and slammed it in the ground to help my landing. I pulled it out, swung it in a circle twice to get any excess matter off of it and slammed it in my sheath.

"Are you okay?" I asked but before she could answer I heard the trampling of boots hauling our way. "Damn!" I climbed up the building wall and took off across the rooftops. I looked back to see the guards surround her. "I guess that's as good as hands and she'll get to be in for now." But then I saw her look up and her eyes connected with mine, she was beautiful. I spun back forward and tried to keep my pace. Who was she? I ran back to Bartholomew and we headed down towards a river bed not to far away from the village.

"Wow Matthias, do you know who you just saved?"

"No, who?"I asked questionably.

"Matthias! That was MonMon's daughter!" He let out a laugh as he saw my face sink red.

"Really?" I thought to myself after realizing my earlier statement. "I called Moniques daughter beautiful, that's awkward."

Bartholomew stood up and look at me with determination, "So Matthias, where to from here?" I realized I never told him my real name.

"Well Bartholomew, I guess I try to figure out this power that this sword posesses."


"I don't know yet, but I feel like I will soon enough." Little did I know, this would be a restless night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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