I Miss You [A/T] || Urie Kuki

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a/n: I love Urie so m u c h

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          Every second, every hour, he misses you more. You're there, somewhere safe, but things can't be the same anymore. Not after that fateful day, he was the one to blame. It was only a mere mission to capture a ghoul and he was not only your squad leader, but as well as your lover. Urie's hand clenches in dark rage at the thought of the event.

The ghoul you two were hunting for had thrown you with no mercy in which Urie couldn't save you on time to prevent your head colliding with a concrete pillar, knocking you straight out. The male was stricken with horror and fear at the sight of your unconscious body barely breathing, making him vulnerable to the ghoul's attack. In the end, Urie had received a large wound on his chest and it would of been worse if Mutsuki had not been there to save him.

Urie curses himself mentally, for being so careless, for putting you in danger, and worst of all, unable to be strong enough to fight for you.

So he sits in the plain white hospital room that was neat, yet reeked of a strong cleanliness. It was purely silent in the room, only a heart monitor beeping every so often. It's been about three weeks since the incident and you were still asleep. An oxygen mask covered your mouth and lips, different tubes and needles attached to your arms hooked onto an IV stand.

The dark-haired male continues to sit quietly, bathing in the self-hatred as he goes on to blame himself in his own mind. You would not be here in this bed with such pale skin, lifeless rest, and hanging onto life by a mere thread if only he was stronger as a leader, as a partner, as a lover.

He bites on his bottom lip harshly as he holds his hands into each other, tightly intertwining his fingers in between one another. Oh, how badly he wishes he could just hear your voice right now. His eyes gently close as he tries to relax in his chair. His brows end up scrunching in frustration. He could no longer remember what your voice once use to sound like.

The melody that was your very voice was something he's forgotten, something that's drifted far away from him. He opens his eyes hesitantly, still seeing your laying upon your bed in that deep slumber of yours. This would be another day, another night, that he's spending here, waiting and waiting for you to awaken.

Urie becomes restless and relentless nowadays. The bags under his eyes start to become visible, darkening and deep. Though, sooner than later, he's forced to end up going to work. To the offices of the CCG.

After he's freshen up, he somehow makes it to the building in broad daylight, even though he's gotten no sleep the previous night as he was forced to sit awake in your hospital room to drown in his self-blame.

Urie tries to avoid all his co-workers, even the superiors, as none of these people mattered as much as you did. He just wishes again that you will wake up soon and pull him out of this repeating nightmare; that you will wake up and smile at him like you always would; that you will wake up and tell him that you forgive him; that you will wake up and tell him you love him.

Though he doesn't show it, he's built up so much fear inside of himself that overrides his hope. There was such a reasonably high chance for you to wake up with no memory of him himself at all, he recalls the doctor informing him. He can feel his heart tighten up with such an immense amount of pain within his chest. If this was to happen, for you to wake up with no memory of him, would Urie could back to those lonely days?

An empty space next to his side on the bed in the middle of the night. The sounds of your voice and laughter. The sweet smile that could only ever comfort and calm Urie.

Every part of him would fade in your mind and soon,

There would be no trace of him ever again in your life.

He finally enters the confines of his own empty office and leans against the door as he closes his eyes, releasing a shaky breath he's been holding in so long. He slowly sinks down onto the ground, sitting upon it as he's still leaning against the door. A soft sob escapes his lips as tears are forming out of his piercing, yet sad eyes.

He just didn't want to lose you and if he does anyway, he truly was the one to blame because he was too weak to fight for you.

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