Chapter 23

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Kimberly Jacobs P.O.V

My feelings were somewhere floating in the sky. I couldn't tell if I was coming or going. My heart was constricting in my chest, I felt hot all around my chest area. I sometimes fell like I was just about to faint, sometimes all I wanted is to scream and shout and kick ,Miguel Lobos where the Sun doesn't bloody shine! I couldn't even tell why I was hurt like this. I didn't think my feelings for Miguel will grow into such an ugly thing. I detested them, everytime I saw him, I would remind myself what a cold conceited jerk he was.

He tried talking to me, one would think to apologise but hey, welcome to the surprise zone I went into when he asked me to help Nicholas with some work things. Apology? Never saw it. It has been two days and I just had convinced myself that he was not worth it, not even by a long shot.

Apparently Nicole, the finance manager at the Lobos Empire made a grave mistake with some financial reports which resulted in some of the hotels that Miguel and Nicholas owned to under function. I was trusted to fix the problems and I was thrilled and honoured to be given such an honour. If only Rochelle would come bare witness to what I was about to accomplish instead of calling me a glorified personal assistant.

I worked from my room, that remained locked all day long. Miguel has a bad habit of not knocking when he walked in here, also Nicholas who tried to apologize on Miguel's behalf annoyed me. So I remained locked up, trying to fix their mess.

I wore my long, red and blue hearts printed pyjama bottoms and a black short sleeve t-shirt, with my hair down, acting as a curtain while I worked on the financial reports.

My phone buzzed from underneath my butt and I jumped from shock!

It was Leanda. I had gotten her numbers from Jackson, even though Lobos had told me that if I got any closer with anyone else, Carter and his goons will kill them. I just reassured myself, it was only a phone call relationship, I wasn't planning on seeing them anytime soon. It was for their own good, and mine.

With a smile on my face I answered the mobile.

"Hey Molly. How are you sweetheart?" Lee warmly greeted. Her warmth and love could be felt in her voice through the phone.

"I'm living, Lee. I guess I should be thankful." I sighed. I honestly couldn't keep all this feelings bottled up any longer. I couldn't tell Jacky who she and I rekindled our friendship. Though she vowed a sort of serious friendship, sisterhood, I couldn't exactly tell her the troubles of my life without getting her involved somehow.

"Oh hijo, I'm sorry you got caught up in all of this." Her voice went from the warmth it held to seriously concerned. "It will all be over once Miguel sets his plan in motion and finishes off with Carter." I could very well eteft the stress in her tone. I guess she really knows all anout the mafia business more than I do. Jackson was after all somewhat involved. He could be a driver but he sure as hell did more than just to drive Miguel around.

Leanda and I talked for a while, everything involving Miguel and I got angry everytime she'd say something nice about him. She knew him, well a part of him since he is the one that pays the school fees for Leanda and Jackson's children. I had to keep myself in check and not fall for the cute stories Leanda was sharing with me. How Miguel bloody Lobos would literally take a day off his busy schedule and spend with the kids, mentoring them, even at such a tender critical age they were at. He'd play soccer with them and Jackson, teach them how they should never let anyone at school bully them. He'd buy them simple yet meaningful gifts, even with all the money in the wold, his gifts could be expensive but first of it all they had to be meaningful and sentimental.

But even under that facade, Leanda knew how Miguel Lobos was a ruthless bastard.

"Molly? Are you and Miguel okay? Did he hurt you?" Well I had thought and hoped leanda wouldn't detect that I was angry at Lobos, but well there goes my hope.

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