Chapter 8

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Out in the rain stood a soggy group of six. Their hair and outfits were completely drenched as they were pounding on the glass.


Tina looked over, as her hands were in Jimmy Jr's. Her heart rate accelerated as she stared at the faces that only glass separated her own self from.

"Tina, I think you might be in some trouble..." Jimmy Jr muttered as he squeezed her hands.

The group stomped inside of the restaurant. They all had dripping hair and three of them had little droplets of water covering their glasses, which reflected the couple sitting in the booth. Bob stood, annoyed that he was soaked, however deep down relieved that he had found Tina. His hand was wrapped in Linda's equally wet one, who wasn't sure if she was more furious or joyful, and had no difficulty showing both emotions at once. Louise seemed to be overzealous that she would be able to see Tina in trouble, and didn't really care that it was her fault. Gene was rubbing his arms, really pissed off and almost depressed about the fact that he didn't have his keyboard since it would just get wet and break. Tina's Aunt Gayle stood staring at the man who was her supposedly her boyfriend still; Mr. Frond. He honestly was only complaining that his cats didn't like the rain and he was scared that they could be upset and how his best sweater was ruined.

"T, I swear I tried to stop them. I was telling them how I had no idea-" Louise began to only be cut off by Bob.

"Louise, you told us exactly where they went when we asked you."

"You shut your mouth!" Louise yelled, jumping up and tugging on Bob's drenched shirt.

"Little missy who told you that you were allowed to be here? You said that you just had to go to his house for homework, and then we end up searching the entire town for you? I want answers NOW," Linda boomed as she pointed her finger at the two of them.

"Listen mom, I can explain-"

"No, Tina, I can do this. Mrs. Belcher I took Tina on a date, whether or not you like it. She's my girlfriend and I like her."

Everyone got quiet after Jimmy Jr said that word; girlfriend.

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute! You're telling me that you two are official and I didn't even get to make a profit off of it? Dammit!" Louise groaned while tugging at her bunny ears out of frustration.

"Jimmy Jr are you sure that you're talking about her? Because I know a lot about relationships, and trust me you two don't have one," Gene muttered.

"Gene, shush. Really, Tina? Him? Out of all of the boys that you know. PESTO'S kid? Good job Tina," Bob retorted with a smirk.

"All of you shut up," Linda growled. "Listen, I think it's adorable, and that's all that matters. Bob, don't be such a dick. Be happy for your daughter."

Linda elbowed Bob as he rolled his eyes, murmuring his approval.

"However, that's not why you two are in trouble, well I guess Tina only, I can't control whether or not you're in trouble Pesto. Tina was supposed to go to dinner with her Aunt Gayle and her boyfriend, but she up and left without telling anyone but Louise anything. I just didn't know where my Tiny Tina was!" Linda smiled and hugged Tina.

"Ow mom get off! You're squishing me!"

"Deal with it because I thought that you were dead."

"Lin, don't you think that's a bit of an exaggeration?" Bob asked.

"No Bob because you don't know what goes through my mind."

"I'm just saying, her being dead-"

"Oh why don't you go be an ass somewhere else."

Gene turned and whispered to Louise. "I think dad's sleeping on the couch tonight."

"C'mon you two, let's go," Linda said and waved her arm.

Jimmy Jr put the money on the table, grabbed the plastic cup full of milkshake and Tina's hand, and then the group headed out.

As they walked out the door, Louise grabbed Tina's arm. "Listen T, you owe me."

"Owe you? Louise you lead them right to me!"

"Yeah, but I waited a couple of hours, didn't I?"

Tina shrugged and looked over at Jimmy Jr, who was sipping the milkshake, almost unaware of everything going on around them. His eyes were glazed over and he seemed to be smiling as he thought to himself.

"You know what, fine. I don't care anymore, because I had the best night of my life."

Jimmy Jr snapped out of his spell halfway through her sentence and looked into Tina's eyes.

"You mean it?"

Tina nodded with a smile. "I've never said anything that was more true."

"Aw sick!" Louise ran to catch up with Gene while pretending to throw up.

The two lovebirds continued to sip on their milkshake and hold hands, sharing a laugh here and there as they headed back to the Belcher's restaurant. The rain had slowed down and the sky was dark enough to see the crescent moon and sky full of stars. And the air was crisp enough to be comfortable without needing a jacket. Puddles were a hit or miss as they covered the sidewalk; either being jumped in by Louise and Gene, or being stepped over by the three couples.

Tina and Jimmy Jr stayed behind, as the Belcher family headed up the stairs to their apartment,

"I had a really nice night tonight..." Tina said, looking down at her hands in his.

"Tina, I want to do this more often. Want to go on another date? I know this one wasn't exactly what it could've been, but-"

She looked up into his eyes. "Yes, of course, it was perfect."

He looked at her before giving her a kiss. "Goodnight Tina, I'll see you tomorrow."

Tina smiled. "Goodnight boyfriend."

She watched him cross the street to his house and as she climbed the stairs she realized something.

"Hey I think I have something to write about in my erotic friend fictions now!"

"Tina gosh, I really didn't need to hear that," Louise gagged.

While Louise pretended to heave, Tina almost floated to her room. And to her, it seemed as though nothing in the world could ever be as good as this feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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