Chapter 5

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Crystal's POV
I went inside the room to change for Appa's Birthday(Tae's Father) and washed my face also i realized that my wrist was really red and it hurts, "Aigooo!!!!!"

"Crystal, are you alright" Tae yelled across my room,

"Ne!", i lied, I always lie when I don't want him worried, he gets all frowny and grumpy and guilty even if it's not his fault.

"Good, you ready?" he questioned,

"Waw Tae, we just arrived and your asking me that already. I replied.

"Ne, Mian I'm done that's why" he yelled in response.

Then i changed into a simple dress (pic above) and wore my blue wedgies, hahaha, then i took a picture of myself in my full-length mirror then posted it on my Twitter, Insta, Viber Etc.. so SMEntertainment can think about my modeling, *ding, ding, ding*
Waw,[Right Away], 100 new likes and 20 new followers, am i even that popular, also 5 comments, lemme read them:

[ From Yeulgi ]
Ahh, Crystal-ssi, you look so pretty!

[ From Yoongi ]
Cryssy, your so sexy, and cute.
[ Reply From The Comment Of Yoongi, From Yeulgi ]
Yah, yah! Yoongi, don't say that!

[ From Secret Bae ] *in other words, taehyung*
Nice outfit, Crys

[ From Jungkook ]
Noona your so cute and beautiful 😉

"Okay, weird, but why did yoongi said that, blegh"

Since I was bored, I decided to download Piano Tiles 2, Jungkook recommended it too me.
Sorry, for the short chapter but please continue supporting this story, Bye Chingus Fighting!

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