Chapter 8: Recovery/Tense

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Crystal's POV
I woke up to a sound of beeping, i looked to my side to see a nervous Jungkook sitting beside me while caressing my cheeks, then i asked "Where's Taehyung?"

"Buying you Ramen" he replied.

"Really, since when" i asked.

"Earlier, when i was done with school, why did you faint anyways?" he asked while looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Well, i just got tired, perhaps shocked and well sweaty?" i said in a guessing tone.

"Are you sure, Noona!" he said somehow not leaving my sight while he was getting closer to my face still caressing my cheek.

"0_____o, uhh yeah, duh i over heard the doctors say that" i replied refusing from hid gaze and touched his hand and let it go from my Cheek, then the door was opened revealing a Taehyung bringing my favorite food, Ramen he saved me from the tense of Jungkook.

"Hey, Crys, bought you ramen" he said, while i was fixing my sitting position and i stole a glance from Jungkook while he just smirked and winked and i turned really fast and focused my attention on Tae.

"Guess what" Tae said walking over to me and placing my ramen on my bed side table.

"Mwo?" i replied, as he held my hand, on my right hand Jungkook was holding it and on my Left hand Tae was holding it but since my Right hand was hidden a bit, Tae couldn't see it, then he was blabbing about how he was accepted at BigHit Entertainment.

"BigHit Entertainment Hyung!" Jungkook said as he let go of my right hand and was jumping up and down (Like that time when they were dancing to girl groups)
And was doing a weird dance, Cute. "Wait what, Crystal Jungkook is not cute just Cool and Kid Like but Bae in other words Tae is much more Cuter" [Okay, Okay] i get it no need to talk sexy brain (Cue Namjoon) then i slightly hit my own head (mamacita dance Super Junior).

"Why did you hit you head Noona?" Jungkook said Flashing his signature bunny smile that would make girls heart melt, but not my heart, "Oh really, Crystal" "Shut up brain trying to focus here"


Sorry For my short Chapters Thx, Bye Chingus Love ya, Fighting!!
also the reason why i was writing short chapters is of my school and homework and i have no ideas cuz my brain is filled with different stuff,

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