August 6th.
I have never once forgotten
What day it is.
Your birthday.
I remember I used to wait.
Until midnight
When it'd change from the 4th to the 5th.
I always sent that text.
Every year.
No matter what state of friendship we were in.
I always was there.
The days before you birthday.
It was our tradition.
One we started in middle school.
I awlays knew that text would come.
I always waited for it.
It is now 12:01 am.
August 6th.
And I did not send a text this time.
So much has changed.
32 days ago we stopped talking.
45 days ago we had sex.
41 days ago she broke up with you.
I am not sorry for the lack of birthday texts this year.
I do not regret breaking our tradition.
But just in case.
In case you stumble upon my book of random poems
Inspired by the terrible thing
We called a relationship.
Happy Birthday.