Prologue - The Final Test

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The heiress stared at her final test. The giant automaton, now towering far above her in height, animated by the semblance of her mentor and tester, gave her a menacing look, brandishing a large gray claymore in its mechanical hands. She stares at it, silver eyes meeting gray metal, as she waited for the bell to ring, signaling the start of her final test. The final barrier separating her from her freedom.


The moment the bell echoed through the room, the knight charged at her, coming in for a wide swing at her body. The heiress didn't flinch, and her semblance activated, creating a trail of glyph away from the blade on time, as she dashed across the room. The knight gave chase, coming at her again, but this time, she was ready. She raised her blade, the barrel at the base already spun to the appropriate dust cartridge, as a barrier of blue light sprang forth, protecting her from harm. She used the opportunity to get out of the way again, and come at it from the back, giving a few good stabs. It staggered back, visibly hurt, before retaliating against her again with a large sideways swing.

"Ooof!" The heiress got hit, only surviving the would be fatal blow thanks to her aura, as she got slammed against the back wall. She got back up, spinning the barrel again, this time landing on ice dust, as she swung her blade and a blast of ice shot out of it, aimed at the automaton. The moment the blast landed, it exploded into an ice flower, partially immobilizing her opponent. This, however, did not stop it from moving towards her still, raising the blade with its free hand and slamming it into the ground next to her, forcing the heiress to either move or get crushed. She got out just in the nick of time; however it was too late for her to dodge when it spun in place out of nowhere, knocking her back. She flew away again, and managed to land on her feet, as she felt a warm liquid wash upon her face. She took her right hand, and wiped a bit of it.


She looked at her own blood, flowing out of her left eye. Luckily, the eye itself wasn't damaged, but nonetheless, this was gonna leave a scar. The automaton managed to anger her, and now, she was done playing nice. She focused on the steps, taught to her by her mother before her. Breathe, focus. Feel the aura flow into the eyes. The surge of power slowly began, as her eyes started to take a slight white glow. The Knight, however, was not gonna give her the chance to do this, and smashed the ice attached to it against the wall, coming at her again. She dodged, now faster than before, and shot several fiery projectiles at it.

Her pace only grew faster and faster. Her eyes started seeing the automaton did. When it came to strike her from above, she stepped to the side, having plenty of time to attack it back. All the while, she felt it. Her aura burn. Even though she didn't even start the real deal of her powers, the ignition of her aura already begun. As her very soul burned with power, the heiress became more and more confident. Suddenly, the movements of the giant metallic knight seemed like child's play for her, dodging them and parrying them became as easy as ever. Even the dust in her blade started to change color, becoming whiter and brighter, slightly glowing as her eyes intensified in power.

Slowly, the swings of the knight became faster and quicker. It wasn't that her eyes were failing her, the thing itself was starting to match up to her power. The strikes, now harder to avoid, became a relentless stream of sword swings and slams, trying to decapitate her at best and smash her to bits at worst. Either way, the Heiress was not gonna let up, and pushed on, jumping back, while readying a lightning crystal. A Bolt of thunder, half yellow half white came down from the sky, striking the knight, as she used the chance to create another glyph, and launch herself into the air, eclipsing against the shattered moon of Remnant. She landed down, delivering a brutal blow to the knight, as it collapses to the ground, motionless.

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