Chapter 3 - Breaching Crisis

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In the following months, Ruby and Weiss trained quite a lot, attempting to awaken Ruby's latent potential. Thanks to Weiss, her control over her aura improved greatly, and now Ruby had a much clearer understanding of how her aura moved and where it liked to go. Even beyond the aspect of the silver eyes, this training helped her sharpen her semblance and combat skills significantly, turning the prodigy into a promising student with the actual strength to back her up.

Alongside that, many things happened to Team RWBY as their time in Beacon continued. An investigation of the White Fang's stealing streak, meeting a mysterious girl named Penny Polendina, discovering Blake was a Faunus all along, and so on. With the passage of time, Ruby too became a much more competent leader, complementing her training with Weiss by improving on her social skills and leadership skills as well. With the Vytal festival slowly drawing close, more and more foreign students transferring from other kingdoms came to Vale and Beacon, being housed there for the upcoming tournament.

To Weiss, however, this only made more risks.

While her friends were very welcoming about her eyes, after all, Ruby shares them with her, any investigations Weiss made into them brought nothing. Even further, the more friends they accumulate, the more exposure she gets from them, something she tended to avoid so far. The fewer people who had the chance to discover about her eyes, the better. But with that monkey faunus Sun snooping around, and his dreamy teammate with the blue hair Neptune, Weiss felt both attracted and repulsed. She knew that revealing her secret was a terrible idea, but having friends that understood her fully proved to be quite enjoyable and fun. Alas, she made her vow to her father, a burden she was going to carry with her for quite a while.

After an extended period of investigating the White Fang and their connections to Roman Torchwick, Team RWBY finally got their chance to get some real answers: A mission Professor Ozpin conveniently unlocked for them, that lead to a possible hiding location and a base for the White Fang. Weiss, for one, was ecstatic to go. While her opinion on Faunus, in general, improved someone for the positive, the fact remained that the White Fang were a bunch of animals and criminals, and they needed to be dealt with. Thus, she, Ruby, Blake, Yang, and Doctor Oobleck of all people set out to Mountain Glenn to investigate the rising Grimm activity there, as well as perhaps figure out if the White Fang were there, and if so, what were they planning in there.

So far, the mission went well. The team was able to handle any grimm approaching them, with ease at that, making their way through the ruins on their way. Weiss was just done shoving a spike of ice through the chest of a beowulf, killing and dissipating it, before Doctor Oobleck came up from behind her, out of nowhere, in that fashion he used to sneak around people.

"Weiss Schnee!" He called making her jump a little in surprise.

"W-What is it?" She asked.

"I have a question for you: Why do YOU want to become a huntress?"

The question, as it sank into her mind, gave out the obvious, rehearsed response her father gave her. "To protect those in need and use my gifts for the betterment of mankind."

Oobleck raised an eyebrow and eyed her suspiciously. "...Are you sure Ms. Schnee? Nothing else that might have wanted to make you want to come to Beacon Academy and become a huntress?"

Weiss could feel his gaze piercing her soul and judging her, not buying her words. She couldn't really escape from the truth with an experienced huntsman and not to mention teacher for many people such as herself talking to her, but alas, he promise to her father held on.

"...Yes. This is why I'm here." She tuned out the caffeinated doctor, focusing on the grimm in front of her, dispatching from yet another row of them.

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