Chapter 4: Familial Thorns

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In the weeks that followed, Weiss barely left the team RWBY dorm, with the singular exception of lessons throughout the school. Any other time, lunch included, she ran back to the dorm, locking the door, and waiting. Waiting for the war that was about to start the moment her father had the time to come and 'pick' her up. Luckily, for her, he was also the head of a multi-million Lien corporation, so time was not a luxury he had in spades. But she could tell he was coming. By now, he was most likely done with whatever business he had before, and was already in Vale, already coming towards Beacon, almost about to-

A knock was heard on the door.

"W-Weiss?" Fortunately, it was Ruby's voice, coming from the other end. Weiss slowly walked up to the door, looking through the peeping hole just to make sure, before opening it up for her, letting Ruby in, and making sure no one followed her to their dorm.

"Wess... Please come out. Everyone is worried sick about you. You can't stay here forever."

"B-But I have to! I-I don't want my father to take me away." Weiss retorted, voice filled with fear. She didn't want to leave. All that time she spent in Beacon taught her so much about herself. About those around her. She would never want to lose any of those, especially for her tyrant of a father. Her sister, as well, wasn't much better. Winter often shows some signs of envy at her powers.

"Shh... It's okay. I won't let them take away my teammate." Ruby sat next to her on the bed. "Why do you still wear them? Everyone already knows silly." Ruby chuckled a little, and Weiss reached out to her hand mirror, staring at the face reflected, with the fake icy blue her father wanted her to have. She closed her eyes, thinking about what happened. In a way, she couldn't escape her father. He would come, and he would stop at nothing until he has her, and take her back to Atlas. Luckily, after explaining this to Glynda and the rest of Beacon's staff, Ozpin seemed very supportive, telling her he won't let her father take her back so easily, but in the end, she knew it wouldn't stop him. Her father was a very ambitious man, after all, and a very powerful fighter in his own right. Trying to talk him down was outright impossible, and fighting him? Weiss shuddered at the thought...

"Thanks." Weiss sat on the bed, staring down. She wasn't sure what to do for a brief moment, before reaching out for her contacts, taking them in her hand. She looked to Ruby, who gave her an approving look, nodding her head, before Weiss closed her hand, crushing the contacts inside her palm. In a way, this was her stand. Her own decision. "You're right. I shouldn't hide anymore. If my father wants to come and take me..." She took a deep breath. The fear was still there, but she would not let it cage her anymore. "Then he would have to take me by force."

"That's my Weissy!" Ruby cheered a little, giving Weiss a hug.

"G-Get off me you dolt!" Weiss gruffed and took her off. She could still lose the nickname in Weiss' opinion, but either case, at least some hope finally managed to creep it's way into her heart.

"Now come on! The others are waiting at the cafeteria! They even serve pancakes with strawberry sauce! Strawberry sauce Weiss!"

"You really like your strawberries, don't you?..." Weiss took a sigh, and got up, watching Ruby head to the door. "But don't forget, after lunch, WE have a training session. I still haven't given up on awakening you."

"But we tried anything we can think of... What more could be done?" Ruby asked, a little tired at this point. This training to unlock her eyes was tedious, and while she was a lot stronger thanks to it, the fact remained: She could not awaken. No matter how hard she tried. She didn't even know why Weiss was so determined for her to do it.

"I don't know, but we WILL figure something out. Trust me." Weiss put her hand on Ruby's shoulder, looking at her sternly. "You know why I haven't given up on you?"

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