Chapter 1 - The Other One

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As the bullhead came down and down, and Beacon Academy was seen in the distance, Weiss went away from the window, for just a brief moment, looking at the desk next to her. On it, a container, with two icy blue eye contacts in it, waiting for her. She took them, and put them on, already used to the feeling. While within the inner sanctums of the Schnee mansion she was allowed to walk with her eyes bare, to the outside world, Weiss Schnee had icy blue eyes. Her father went so far as to even make sure every legal document that ever mentioned her eye color had icy blue on it.

Weiss sighed, and put them on, wincing a tiny bit. She never liked the contacts, but her mother AND father warned her about this. For reasons she never even understood, she was never allowed to show her eye color, her true eye color. In time, as the years went on and on and the Schnee family pride got nailed into her head, she stopped actively questioning it, and just accepted this as the simple truth of her life. That, however, never didn't stop her from wanting to know. And while her father avoided the answers at every twist and turn, she never stopped.

"Ms. Schnee?" She heard a voice call to her from the front of the bullhead. "Are you ready for landing in Beacon?"

"Yes." She replied decisively. "I am ready. I will be handling my bags myself as well."

"As you wish Ms. Schnee." The pilot responded, and carefully landed the bullhead. The doors opened up, and before Weiss, the impressive spire of Beacon's tower stood tall and proud, around it the rest of school stationed. It was an impressive sight, to say the least, and Weiss couldn't help herself but feel excited, at least a little. She took the bags, loading them on the luggage cart stationed next to the door, and went out, breathing the fresh Valian are around her. Everything felt new. A new chance, a new life. She waited so long for this singular moment, of being able to walk around without a butler spying on her to record what she's doing, or having every single day of her life planned out for her in advance.

And then, she bumped into her.

At first, Weiss was simply knocked over, falling onto her bum, with the case that she had around her arm flying off, opening up as several small dust containers flew away. She got up, and just before she managed to give a very stern talking to to the idiot that almost blew the whole cliff up, she took a small look at who it was: The child was clearly younger than the rest of the students in the school at the moment, most likely around her 15 or 16 from the looks of it. The red combat skirt and black hair with red tips didn't interest her much, for what really caught her attention were the face of said individual, or rather specifically, the color of their eyes.

Like her own, the girl's eyes were pure silver.

At first, Weiss didn't know what to say. Her mother never even mentioned the possibility of another one with eyes like hers, and none of the preparations her father gave her about living in Beacon had anything about this as well. She didn't even have any idea if this was just a color or the same power as her, but something inside told Weiss it was the letter. At the very least, she wanted to believe it was. Finding a kindred spirit to truly understand her was a blessing she would never have expected. Either way, the girl now stood before her, not really sure what to say.

"Umm... Excuse me? Are you okay?" Her voice pierced the confines of her inner thoughts, snapping Weiss back to reality.

"...Watch it, you dolt!" She lashed out in a fit. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"I dunno what I'm doing!..." She stared back at Weiss, obviously confused and unsure where to even go. She looked around, and saw the vials of dust all over the floor, hurryingly picking up one of them, and handing it to Weiss. "H-Here..."

"Give me that! Do you even have any idea how dangerous this is?!" Weiss went on with her verbal assault.


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