EPILOGUE: Silver Rose

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Weiss decided to sleep in a little. After the events of a few days ago, where her father ceremoniously disowned her, following the intense fight they had, the school decided to give her time to recuperate, and so, she was allowed to skip classes for a short while, and rest. Of course, Weiss wouldn't usually do this, but now having Ruby under her wing proved to be quite tiresome, prompting Weiss to use most of her energy on training her to become a proper silver eyed warrior.

"Goooood morning Weissey!" Ruby kicked the door it, smiling happily, carrying a plate with food on it, brought from the cafeteria. Weiss brought herself to sitting in bed, while her student brought her the plate, complete with silverware, which Weiss too, slowly digging into the food.

"Morning Ruby..." She yawned a little. Weiss never got a clue about how Ruby is so upbeat and cheerful from the moment she wakes up. In fact, now that Weiss thought about it, when Ruby IS asleep she's actually quite adorable, peacefully slumbering in her bed. She blushed a little at the thought, but nevertheless, managed to hold her composure, continuing to eat, while trying to think of what training exercise to give Ruby today. Even though her awakening was only so recent, Weiss' prior training really paid off, and Ruby had a much easier time understanding and controlling her eyes then Weiss had in her youth.

"So! What do we have planned for today?" Ruby asked, almost wagging a tail in excitement if she had one. Weiss took the mug on her tray, filled with coffee, and sipped on it gently, feeling the caffeine wake her up.

"Well... first, the morning jog. A hundred laps around Beacon. Then you go about your usual school day, there's a test coming up and I promised Ozpin this wouldn't disturb the school activities for you, and after that, we'll have a combat session. This time, no holding back."

Ruby squeed a little. Of course, she already had her chance to fight Weiss with her eyes activated, even before her father showed up, but this was gonna be the first time when the two of them could indulge in their eyes freely, not needing to fear hurting each other. Weiss may have had more experience in using her silver eyes, but Ruby sure wasn't going to go down without giving her one hell of a time.

Ruby left for her run, doing the laps, and using her eyes to move herself faster, while Weiss got out of bed, dressed up, and went out for a stroll. The fight with her father still rolled in her eyes, each scene playing in perfect harmony with the others: The final strike, her father, down on the floor.

The disowning.

At the moment, her heart screamed at her loud and clear what was right to do, and she followed it. Now, in the aftermath, while going back was not an option, Weiss couldn't help but still feel shreds of doubt in her heart. She continued to walk, thinking about what she has done and what will she do next, before bumping into a familiar entity: Professor Ozpin, sipping on his own coffee, with Glynda just leaving for one of her own errands at the school. Ozpin turned to her and gave Weiss a gentle smile.

"Good morning, Ms. Schnee."

Schnee. That name burned the back of her head like a mark of shame. Her head fell a little. "G-Good morning, Professor Ozpin."

"Hmm... Perhaps Schnee isn't the right term for you anymore. Not after what happened with your father. I apologize."

Weiss raised her head anew and waved it. "N-No, don't apologize. It's alright."

Ozpin nodded once and took another sip of his mug. "Well... Either way, how is your little student doing? I assume you've been guiding her well."

"Of course, Professor Ozpin." Weiss bowed to him slightly. While she wasn't an official member of Beacon's staff, Weiss was given official permission from Ozpin to take the time and teach Ruby what she needed about her eyes to prepare her properly for it. Weiss took a short gaze to the window outside, watching Ruby complete yet another lap around the school, her eyes leaving a trail of white light in her wake. Weiss chuckled internally and returned her attention to the Professor.

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