Some Pheonix Comebacks

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In Line @ school
Me: *to 'Lukas'* Want to hear a joke?
'Lukas': Ok
This-One-Annoying-Guy-Who-I'm-Sometimes-Friends-With-Sometimes-No: *points to me* Your life
Me: Atleast I have one
'Ivor' and that guy's friends: OHHHHHHHH!!!
That Guy: *going to say something but fails to*
Me: Ya want some ice for that burn?
Everyone In Line: OHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Me: ()X3
At Lunch
Guy: *gets a fact about something wrong*
Me: *corrects him*
Guy: Know it all
Me: I never found that insulting
Guy: Hmph
Me: stupid...
Guy: Look in the mirror!
Me: Yeah I am the mirror
Guy: ?
Me: Well since your too stupid to figure it out I'll explain it to you; When you look in the mirror you see a reflection, you called me stupid, and since I'm the mirror you called yourself stupid
'Ivor': Get burned son
Guy: You broke the mirror
Me and 'Ivor': *Laughing really hard*

Basically he called himself stupid and ugly XD. Also dw about the two guys we always joke around like that XD

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