Roller Skating

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We used MCSM nicknames for this XD (you'll see what I mean in a sec)

Pheonix (Me): *putting on roller skates* Pheonix is gong to die
Maya (Val's Cousin *I think*): You'll be fine
Pheonix: How do you tie these?
Gill (Valhorsys): Help her
Aiden (Catgoingtoschool *you'll see why her nickname is Aiden XD*): *helps Pheonix tie the skates*
After That
Gill: Just hold onto the wall
Pheonix: O~O *holding onto the wall * The wall is meh friend
Aiden: There's cockroaches there
Pheonix: *falls* I'm okay! *stands up with the help from Maya*
Maya: Ok just hold my hands
Pheonix: *holds Maya's hands and half skates*
Maya: You're doing it!
Pheonix: *almost falls* Almost did it XP
Maya: Ok juts try it again
Pheonix: I'm going back to the wall *falls* Help XD
Gill: *helps her up and holds her arm*
Aiden: *same*
Pheonix: I'm doing it! *half-falls*
Gill: *grabs her arms she doesn't fall* OMG
Aiden: *tries to do the same thing but doesn't managed to actually grab Pheonix's arm* (Lol I like long "actions" XD)
Gill: *to Aiden* YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY
Pheonix: *sitting on the floor laughing*
After Pheonix Sort Of Learns How To Skate
Maya: You're doing it! *gets ready to catch Pheonix* (I literally fell everytime anyone said that XD)
Pheonix: *skates away from Maya* I DID IT! 🙌 *skates toward Aiden and Gill* I DID IT!!
Gill: Yay you did it!
Aiden: You did it! (She's nicer than Aiden besides I don't think Aiden would say that XD)
Gill: Want to play tag now?
Maya: Yes!
Pheonix: I'm gonna just continue to practice 😅
Gill: Ok try to turn then
Pheonix: How O-O
Gill: *explains* (I forgot what she said I just remember something about "numbing" you'd inward foot XP)
Pheonix: *tries to turn* *falls* XD and I'm ded again...

Eventually I did semi-learn but the process was funny and tragic XD I'm bad at explaining events so I hope you sort of get the idea from this XD.

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