Discussing Stuff With "The Girls"

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So in my class there's a group of girls. They're the type of people who are like "I'm popular and everyone loves me 😎". Anyways my close friends weren't around therefore I couldn't talk to anyone. Then my brain said Let's go talk to them your kind of friends with them 🙌! I went and we surprisingly had a decent conversation. Then I don't know how the subject came up or what it was but they were saying stuff like "Yeah me and *'so called cute guy'* are dating now" "Ive had like 3 boyfriends" "See that that's my ex over there" My mind? Okay... I decided to go with the flow and say "4 guys have liked me they were *names guys* but I rejected them all" they were like "Girl what's going on in that brain of yours?" "Awww why does 'Pheonix' get all the hot guys" "You think you can talk to him for me?" "You should've made them your boyfriends" My thoughts? Wth? Having a boyfriend go just bother me with lovey-dovey stuff and gifts? No thank you. Why do I need one or more than one?

Yep now they bother me and ask "Who's your crush?" "Hehehe I saw you talking to _________" "Tell me who your crush is you can trust me" I answered "You've had like 6 boyfriends. Do you expect me to trust you?"
Everyday it's dealing with them and they're going to the same school I'm going to soo no escape =P

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