My Mum Played MCSM

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Yeah I convinced my mum into playing MCSM (Ep 1). At first she thought it was boring and I just said that their introducing the characters first then there's more "action". So later on she's still all relaxed and stuff then I told her to watch out cuz she has to fight and dodge and surprisingly she dodged everything and killed all the mobs without dying O_O (She got hit 5 times by the last ghast tho XD). She's only played up to the point where your in the shelter you built . These are her choices so far:
She asked Axel and Olivia to help her find Rueben

She told Rueben to run

She traded with the butcher

She asked Gabriel for help (poor Lukas T-T)

She saved Gabriel (I'm so sorry Petra Q_Q)

She built a treehouse

I'm tempted to find out if she ships anyone but imma wait for her to ask something like "Do they like each other?". Yeah I'm not sure if she'll play the next EPs hopefully she does X3

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