Rosie Summers

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👙Rosie Summers👙

I just moved out of my college dorm and I'm now looking for a place to stay normally people have places plastered all over the notice board at Higley College but sadly there is only one and the interviews start in 5 minutes so I take a slip to notice only 2 are missing hopefully this means I will have somewhere to stay as soon as possible. I run back to my convertable and take the top off and drove towards the location wind in my hair I get there with 2 minutes to spare so I go to a public toliet and change into (picture below) and do my hair (style below)

 I run back to my convertable and take the top off and drove towards the location wind in my hair I get there with 2 minutes to spare so I go to a public toliet and change into (picture below) and do my hair (style below)

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I walk back to my car and chuck my other clothes in the back sighing when I look at the time and realize it's show time

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I walk back to my car and chuck my other clothes in the back sighing when I look at the time and realize it's show time.

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