Rosie Summers is a normal 18 year old hasn't had her first kiss and has only had one boyfriend who cheated on her.
Jack Smith is a outgoing and adventurous 18 and a 1/2 year old who is looking for a girl or guy to have as a roommate either way he wa...
I wake up and Jack has one of his arms draped over me so I gently lift it off I go into the closet and put on (outfit below)
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I walk out cautiously and Jack is still asleep I find some paper and a pen and write a note Note I've gone for a run I will use maps to get back if I do get lost should be gone for about 1 hour. Be back soon Rosie I put the note on the table and take my phone and a set of keys and start my run. It's only been 15 minutes and I'm already confused on where I am so I turn around and continue running back not turning because I don't remember turning when I left the house. It's been 45 minutes now I'm really lost I've had 2 guys try and pick me up I think I'm gonna go home now. I search up 135 Grein Street and It comes up but it's going to take me 30 minutes to get back so I start my journey, but I decide I will just walk, I get about half way when I notice this is guy is following me. I speed up my walking pace and so does he so I start sprinting, I take a left towards Grein Street I keep sprinting grabbing the keys out of my arm band pocket fiddling around until I find the right one I get to our apartment with the guy still behind me and I know it will take to long to take the elevator so I run through the door stairs and start my journey up 7 floors. I continue sprinting and would look down every once and a while the guy is a couple floors below me but I still keep sprinting. I reach I door I wiggle it it opens I slam it shut and lock it. I turn and run into Jacks arms.
I heard the door slam shut I go and have a look as I was on the couch and I feel someone grab onto me I wrap my arms them and look down to a huffing and puffing Rosie."What's wrong" "Some random dude was chasing me" She says in between sobs. I pull her close and whisper in her ear "Next time wait for me to be ready" "Ok Smithie." Her sobs stop shortly. I pull her away and she has blood shot eyes I take her towards the bathroom. "Have a warm shower Princess to help clear your thoughts" "Thank you." I hand her a towel and she shuts the door I don't think she locked it, the shower starts straight away I look back but keep walking I hear someone trying to open the locked door I walk over and look through the peep hole and see some creep trying to pick the lock. "May I help you sir." "D-d-do you live here alone" "Yes can we make this quick I need to hop in the shower if you can't here it running." "Sorry for wasting your time." "Bye" I say as I shut the door and run to the bathroom as the door opens I run and pull Rosie into a tight hug. "I just saw the guy he is a creep he was trying to break in" "I'm sorry it's all my fault" she says as wraps her legs around my waist and wraping her arms around my neck. "It's not your fault" "If I hadn't of gone for a run this wouldn't of happened" "No if he didn't chase you it wouldn't of happened" "Have you had breakfast Smithie" "No" "I will make some for us,what do you want" "Some chicken salad would be great thanks" I say while putting Rosie down she smiles at me and walks towards the kitchen. She brings me breakfast I thanks her we eat and do the dishes. She gets changed (outfit below) I also get changed (outfit below)
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