Rosie Summers is a normal 18 year old hasn't had her first kiss and has only had one boyfriend who cheated on her.
Jack Smith is a outgoing and adventurous 18 and a 1/2 year old who is looking for a girl or guy to have as a roommate either way he wa...
We get back from the mall and Rosie grabs all of her bags which is 3 (1 from lush and 2 from cotton on) and walks to the elevator I yell at her to hold the elevator and just as I arrive the doors shut I see her smirking at me as the close I walk slowly up the stairs wondering what could've happened I then remember that I don't have my key on me and I quickly start to run up the stairs once I reach the 7th floor I see no sign of Rosie I jiggle the door handle and it is locked the elevator door let's off a ding to let people know it has arrived I wall over to look for Rosie but no it is just one big family so I walk back to the door and to my suprise I hear a key go in "May I help you" "Rosie stop playing around what are you doing" " I don't like to keep secrets from people like so do but if your wondering I'm trying on my new bikini" she says while smirking." Please let me in" "Once I've tried it on and taken it off and gotten changed into my pyjama maybe then I'll let you in" "No please Rosie it's cold" the door shuts and then opens again "Here you go" a jacket gets shoved into my chest. "Rosie please" "Not until you tell me what is in your back pocket." "Please Rosie it's a suprise" "For who" "I'm not saying" I reply while I slide my hand into my back pocket and feel a key. "Yes" Rosie looks at me in disbelief and runs away. I'm guessing to the bathroom so that she can lock the door behind her. I walk over to the bathroom and wiggle the handle it is actually locked. "I will just wait on the corner of the bed for you then" No reply. "Ouch" I here a loud bang and sit up, "Rosie are you ok" "Yea but my head is bleeding help me please" I hear here voice getting faint. "Rosie" I yell while banging on the door. I hear the door unlock and Rosie walks out stumbling with every move. I put my hand behind her head and pull it away when it realize nothing came off and next thing I know I'm being tackled by Rosie. "Tell me what is in your pocket please" "No" "Fine then"
⏳Rosie ⏳
I walk away from Jack not even looking back. "Princess wait " I keep walking into the kitchen and grab out the last of the salad and sit down on the couch turning on the TV and I put it on channel 5 (Box Office) criminal minds is on yes. All I remember is my eyes feeling heavy and everything going black I wake up in the bed Jack is still asleep I climb out and put on (outfit below)
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I decided while looking for a outfit that I wanted to go to the beach I go to Jacks alarm clock and set it to go off in 2 minutes in that time I prepare lunch, put my sandals on and get a spare change of clothes, a towel and chuck it all in a bag I hear the alarm Jack jumps up in suprise and groans loudly. "Hurry up we are going to the beach" "Ughhhhhh" he moans. "Hurry up or I'm leaving without you. He gets up gets changed and comes towards me, "looking good" "Ew leave me alone." I grab my keys and walk towards the elevator pushing the button for it to come it dings and the doors open Jack runs in and takes some of the stuff out of my hands I have my keys,phone and my card with me, (just in case). I unlock my car hoping in the drivers seat and unlocking the boot for Jack. I hear it the boot shut so I start the car and push the button for the roof to come off I drive off we reach the 100 km zone I put my foot flat and Jack screams like a girl I make sure not to smile or laugh. He puts a hand on my thigh and I pull it off still looking at the road but I can still see him out of the corner of my giving me a confused look. I keep my eyes fixed on the road and we pull up only to see a couple of cars around the place I push the button and the roof rolls back up and I pop the lever to open boot. I hop out and Jack shuts the boot I lock the doors and I start walking down to the beach. I find a prefect spot as we put all of our stuff down I walk slowly towards the water getting a few guys attention as I walk in the water it is warmer than I thought so I walk up to where our towels and take off my bikini cover up and run back into the water. A guy approaches me "Do you wanna have a surfing race?" "I don't have a board" "my mate does" " Sure then," little does this guy know that I won a Championship 2 years ago let's hope I still have it he rides the first wave just surging it in. I laugh at him "to h ink you can do better" "I could do better even with at blindfold on," I paddle out towards a wave and hop up and start twisting the board around and then I do my most legendary trick that I know I front flip I land it perfectly. "Woah your amazing" "Thanks well little did you know I'm Rosie Summers" "W-w-wait the Rosie Summers legendary winner of the men's championship even though your a girl" "Yep and I was only 16" I was versing 20-30 year Olds they all told me I would be lucky to come last but I blew them all away and ended up coming first. "Your amazing at surfing" "Thanks hey where's your mates board from, it has great grip" "It's from Hansen's Surfboards a great store you can customize your own but Luke choose Bright yellow as he's learning and he wants to be able to been seen" "Haha wait what's your name?" "Andrew Felok" "Cool I better get going I paddle towards Luke who is treading water I give him his board back and thank him for letting me using it and then I swim back in shore. "Someone was chatting up some guy" "Was not and anyone he's one of my fans" "Why do you have fans" "Well I'm not just ordinary Rosie Summers I'm Rosie Trejo Summers" "Wait the amazing Surfer" "Yep that's me" "Can we go now I beg," "Of course Princess"
⌚Jack ⌚
Rosie Trejo Summers I think as I drive back Rosie fell asleep on the trip back. I smile at her and pick her up bridal style and walk to the elevator and we go up and put her down on the bed I lock the door and wake her up, "Rosie I'm going for a shower" "Ok wait I want one first" "Sorry Princess I've already got it running for myself" "Ugh fine" I have my shower and then Rosie has one we have dinner just some mince and pasta and hop into bed we were already in our pyjamas.
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