Rosie Summers is a normal 18 year old hasn't had her first kiss and has only had one boyfriend who cheated on her.
Jack Smith is a outgoing and adventurous 18 and a 1/2 year old who is looking for a girl or guy to have as a roommate either way he wa...
Hamish Crawfley I believe he said his name was. "So Hamish what do you like to do in spare time." " Well I love to read and write." " Sounds interesting if I could get your number I will message e you if you are my roommate thanks for coming." "Hey I'm Jack," "I'm Bridgett your cute." " Um thanks" "So what do you want to know." "What do you like to do in your spare time" " SHOPPING" she squeals I get her number and wish her farewell. I hear a soft knock at the door I walk over with my head down to see some white converses. I look up to a beautiful girl who likes about 18 like me. "Hi I'm Rosie" she says a smile appearing on her face. "Hi I'm Jack Smith." She sits down I offer her a cup of tea and she says tea is for people who can't keep going and she definitely can keep going. I giggle she looks over at me "Why are you laughing at me." "No reason, So what do you like to do in your spare time" "I dot really know as long as it is something active and adventurous" I Smirk. "Why are you looking at me like 50 year old man who likes to eat kids" "Sorry I just couldn't help myself I would've replied with the exact same thing would you like to be my roommate." I smile looking up at her "YES I mean yes I would love to be your roommate." We talk for a while and I help her get her stuff out of her car and we share half of the walk in closet each and to my suprise I don't see any heels only sneakers, converses and a couple pairs of vans. We do paper scissors rock to see who will sleep where I win but seeing as it is her first night her I said I will sleep on the couch she tries to change my mind but I say no. 10:45 pm
⏳Rosie⏳ I climb Into the bed and instantly relax as its warm and comfy unlike the college ones that were hard and would only heat up after laying down for 10 minutes. I feel my eyes drift away to sleep I here a bang from they lounge and get up trying to find anything as a weapon but I only grab the pillow I was sleeping with I peek my head around the Door and swing the pillow and I hear a voice "Woah" "Smithie I'm so sorry I thought you were ... oh never mind." "What's wrong and Smithie like come on Rose." "Nothing and what were you doing try to sneak into the room" " Well you see it's freezing in the lounge and I was just going to hop in the other side" "Why didn't you say so" "I grab his wrist and pull him in plonking him on his side and crawling over to mine. I lay back down, "Night Smithie" "Night Princess." I secretly smile at my nickname princess before I drift off into dreamland. I wake up to the feeling of warms breaths down my neck that make mya hairs stand on my back, I soon realize that Jack has me cuddled into his chest I try to wriggle around but it's not use he just tightens his grip and pulls me closer if that's even possible. I want to go back to sleep but I'm about to pee my pants." Smithie I need to go pee" " 5 more minutes" "Fine I'll just wet the bed" "OK but you have to promise to come back and cuddle with me." " Fine." I groan I run to the bathroom and go to the toliet and walk out cautiously and see Jack asleep so I open the door and walk out to lounge to see the mess he made trying to get back into the room so I start my cleaning suprisingly it only 2 minutes so I go back to bed to keep my promise. Jack wraps his arms around me and whispers "you didn't have to clean up my mess Princess." " How'd you know Smithie." " Just go back to sleep." I do as he says and just drift away I wake to the sound of my name being called from the kitchen I jump up to see Jack attempting to cook pancakes which are burning to death. "Stop" I scream he turns off the element and turns to me. " Let me do it" I giggle while saying that. "Thanks Princess, oh and sorry about last night and the cuddling" " No Smithie it was Great I was cold and felt lonely you really helped me" I Walk Over To him and hug him he grabs my waist And Throws me over his shoulder I Laugh. He puts me down and I walk to the kitchen and scrape Jacks pancakes into the bin and wash the pan. I start from scratch even making a new batter but I put hidden strawberries in them for a healthy touch. He turns over to me I can feel him staring at my butt. "My butt is quite nice isn't it" "What do you mean" "I know you were staring," I turn to him he's blushing "How" " I could just feel it, want some pancakes." He grins and nods his head I put 2 on his plate and 2 on mine he takes a bite and smile "You put strawberries In these" "OMG ate you allergic" I scream "No they taste AMAZINGGGGGG" "Thanks a family recipe." Once we had finished I wash the dishes and Jack drys and puts them away for me. I walk to the room and put on (outfit below) and just put my hair in a ponytail.
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I walk out and Jack looks at me his eyes widening "Wow" " I'm going for a run" "Wait I have to come or you'll get lost" "OK." He comes Out in a Nike top , Black shorts and a Pair of Black Nike shoes exactly like mine. We come back after an hour run he is puffing his heart out while I ask to keep going but he says no we have to go back so we do so when we go back I sprint into the bathroom and hop in the shower. "You better hope you looked the door" OMG how did I forget. "I was going to hop out when I hear the door open "Princess your silly" "Please leave I'm trying to shower" " I say in a calm voice. He walk over and opens the shower curtain...
Thought I should leave you all hanging haha. Will update soon can't wait for you to read what happens it is starting to get really good reallyquickhope you like it sorry if it's to short or to long leave me a comment on what you think 👗Zoe👗