Rosie Summers is a normal 18 year old hasn't had her first kiss and has only had one boyfriend who cheated on her.
Jack Smith is a outgoing and adventurous 18 and a 1/2 year old who is looking for a girl or guy to have as a roommate either way he wa...
Rosie ran to the bathroom and I walk over, "You better hope you locked the door" I twist the handle and it opens, "Your so silly princess" "Please leave I'm trying to showing" Rosie says in a calming voice but I know she is really freaking out I pull the curtain... she is wearing CLOTHES. "Wait wait" " You pervert leave now" "This is my apartment" "I mean the bathroom"
He leaves I lock the door and rest the chair in the corner against it so that if he is able to pick the lock he won't be able to get in I'm so smart. I actually hop out of my clothes and the hop in, I did have the shower runnign so it was already warm I rinse my body off and wash my hair I hop out I realize the chair is back in he corner and the door is locked. I can't believe I imagined putting the chair in front of the door I'm such an idiot, wait no Jack is I remember I took a towel in earlier before my run so that I could do my workout and wipe my forehead. I pull it out from under the cabinet and hope it's a actual human size towel not face cloth yes it human sized I wrap it around me. I look around the room and Jack is sitting on the bed his mouth drops when I walk right into the room with a towel on "Where did you get that from" "Next time you try and get me naked think about looking everywhere" he just glares I walk over to the closet teasingly and slide my hand across all my shirts on coat hangers one drops I go to bed over and I feel a stare hit me before I bend down I stop turn around put my hand on the tip of the towel bend down and pick up the shirt "Boooooooo" I hear Jack say. "As if pervert" He walks over to me he tries to grab the towel I grip it tight and grab my clothes and sprint for the bathroom and I make locking the door and actually putting the chair in front of the door I get changed. Opening the door cautiously I see Jack laying shirtless on the bed I want to keep looking but I walk right past him and go to the washing basket and chuck my towel in it. I'm wearing (picture below)
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Jack sits up and says "Why are you mad Princess" "I dunno I just don't like living In the same house as a pervert who tries to take off my towel" "Princess I'm sorry I just can't help myself your gorgeous" "Put on a shirt Smithie" "Yes Princess anything for you" "What's for dinner" " How about takeaways" "Nah I want something like a chicken salad" "Ok we can go to the store as we need groceries but the Manger Greg called the elevator is broken we have to take the stairs I grab a pair of white vans. "NOOOOOOO, I hate stairs so much, will you carry me Smithie?" "Sure Princess" he bends motioning for me to hop in his back I do wrapping my arms losely around his neck grabs my thighs in order to keep me up without falling off him.
⌚Jack⌚ As we walk down the stairs Rosie whispers in my ear "Thanks Smithie" "For what" "Making me feel safe" "Oh anything for my Princess." I feel something warm peck my cheek and I realize Rosie just kissed my cheek she is so cute I let out a little giggle. She rests her head In the crook of my neck just lightly breathing. I smile and continue walking down the stairs until we reach the bottom floor. Rosie is asleep and I don't want do wake her so I keep walking toward the car with her on my back I unlock the car which wakes her up. "I'm sorry for falling asleep" "It's fine Princess." She hops off and hops in her seat and I shut the door for her I walk around to my seat and hop in she smiles and we drive to the supermarket. We leave with everything we need putting it all in the boot as we drive home I rest one off my hands on he thigh just rubbing it up and down she looks at me I don't look at her as I'm driving but I notice she is smiling when we get home the elevator is working and they have out trolleys I grab one and we load all the food in it. When we get to our room I fiddle with the keys and put the I'm the door handle we walk in and start putting all the groceries. "Princess" "Yes Smithie" "Not tomorrow but the day after the bussiness people will be here to make sure I'm still living with my girlfriend we will have to pretend to be dating ok" "Ok Smithie." She took that so well I really like Rosie but I know she can't like me so I just let it slide. Rosie prepares the salad I sit at the table waiting for dinner she plates it up all nice and brings it to me. "Thanks Princess" "That's all right Smithie" She Smiles. Once we are finished we do the dishes washing drying and putting them away. I go sit on the couch Rosie comes and joins me. "What should we watch" "I don't know" " How about Cinderella story" "Nah" "Princess Diaries" "YES." I go onto Netflix and I put my arm on the back of the couch she rests her head on my chest falling asleep it's now about 11:30 so I pick her up bridal style and plop her down softly on her side of the bed and I take of my shirt and pants sleeping just in my boxers.
⏳Rosie ⏳ I wake up in the middle of the night to Jack softly snoring I slide out of the bed and hop into one of his t-shirts I don't know why I choose one of his but I did I slide of my top and the throw on the shirt then sliding off my pants to feel a cold breeze blow through I quickly jump in the bed accidentally wake Jack. "Sorry" "that's all right Princess you look good In my shirt." I smile and then lay down he pulls me in close to him resting his head in the crook of my neck.
👗Zoe👗 What did you think of my little trick In that she shower hope none offyou get to mad haha