Cry Baby

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Another update. :) Sorry for the long wait. I have been busy. 

Anyways here you go. 



Thalia looked at him incredulously. She couldn't fathom what was the meaning behind his comment but she knew for sure that he is trying to get something out of her.

"Yes, and a damn good one too," He nods his head in agreement.

"What makes you think that?" She uttered with furrowed eyebrows. He sighed then leaned back into his chair. He brought his hands up in front of him, forming a triangle as his deep blue eyes stared narrowly at her.

The room was silent aside from the heavy breathing of Thalia. The capricious behavior that he had been showing her got her baffled in so many ways. She had a lot of questions in her mind but she didn't bother asking it because she was sure that he will only give her cryptic answers that will make her pull her hair out from the endless puzzles.

'I hate puzzles,' She grumbled inwardly.

"Do tell me, peanut....Why aren't you freaking out or making a big deal when you saw me? hmmm?" He spoke out of the blue. Thalia suddenly felt her breathing pattern change into labored breaths as she let his words sink in, but she remained silent as she asks herself the same question in her head.

"Ever since you woke up, you have been acting like I am your friend that you haven't seen in a long time and not your kidnapper," He paused and watched her reactions. He almost burst out in a laugh at her reactions but held it in. He realized that she was also probably asking the same questions inside her head.

She lifted her eyes to look at his from the distance and shrugged her shoulders. She had a chary expression on her face as her fingers fidget in her lap.

"I really don't know either. I just feel comfortable being around you and stuff...Plus I've never even had a conversation with a boy for more than one minute before so imagine my surprise that I actually held a conversation with you and had a great time at it. Even though you're my kidnapper and stuff. I mean not that I am not scared but you're so handsome and I-"

She cut herself off her babbling when she realized that she had a word vomit again. Being an overthinker and having a word vomit syndrome can really make her the worst person to ever have a conversation with.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that I-" His laughed interrupted her continuous babble. She gaped at him while he continued to laugh his heart out, she just let him laugh off, much to her chagrin.

"You really something aren't you?" He managed to say whilst still trying to stop his laughter. Thalia just avoided looking at him and turn her head down to avoid his stare, making sure her hair covered her face.

Her eyes were blear, as she tries to stop herself from going on fully sobbing in front of him. Embarrassment was an understatement from what she is feeling right now. She recalled the times when this exact situation happens whenever she tries to talk to a boy, this exact thing was always the ending she got.

This triggered her even more and before she could even stop it, a hiccup crawled out of her throat and her eyes started pouring out tears like a waterfall. She brought her hands to cover her face to avoid the humiliation of crying in front of him. She was so busy trying to stop her tear works that she didn't hear him stop laughing and approached her.

More and more dreadful memories suddenly crashed at Thalia as her brain automatically reminded her of every painful memory that she had. The most prominent one was the fight of her parents that happen because of her, the hurtful words that her father spewed to her mother about her.

"She always has her head up in the clouds! She's as immature as can be! How can you let her leave home?" Her father roared in anger whilst her mother tried to calm down her father.

"She's a smart girl Fredrick. She told me she can live on her own. I trust her and you should too," Her mother argued but still maintained her soft voice.

"She's always in a daze Martha! She will get hurt out there and those people will try to step on her! Mark my words!" Her Father blared on but she can't even hear them anymore because she had heard enough. She ran away from her home and drove away, not even bothering to look back.

The memories flooded her brain and the words replayed in her head like a broken record. She didn't even know when she had suddenly burst into a full blown crying fest, but the next thing she knew was that her chest tighten and her breath was labored.

She felt a hand on her shoulder as if giving her the comfort that she needed, and somehow this caused her to feel more self-pity and another set of sobs broke out.

He felt her leaned her head on his chest and accept the silent comfort that he provided her. He petted her head awkwardly until he heard her sobs quiet down to small hiccups. He felt his shirt stick to his chest because of the dampness.

He grabbed his handkerchief in his jean pocket and offered it to her, she accepted it to wipe her tears.

"Thank you," She rasped out, her voice was hoarse from the excessive crying that she did earlier.

"Don't mention it," He replied with in a clipped tone.


"No seriously, don't mention this to anyone or else I will hurt you," He replied sternly. He removed his arms and pushed her away gently. She didn't bother fighting him and let herself distance from his body.

He stood up and fixed his hair. He swiped back some fallen strands from his face and made sure to have it all slicked back up just like before. Thalia just watched him with puffy and swelling eyes. He felt his chest tighten with pity as he sees the damage crying had done to her eyes.

He cleared his throat and was about to say something when he heard a sudden commotion downstairs. He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration and heard the heavy footsteps approach the room they were in in a very fast manner.

Before they could even react, the door was busted open and it slammed into the walls, shaking some frames that were hung up next to it. Both of them snapped their eyes on the door, Thalia having a baffled look on her face whilst he had a frown on his.

"Here comes Sylvester!"

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