Chapter thirteen

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I hear Luke answer the door after the bell rings and smirk picturing Julia's reaction at seeing my brother instead of me. Deciding to give them some alone time together, I take my time finishing my makeup and hair. The black tresses hang in slight waves down my back and make me look as if I just stepped off a beach somewhere, although my pale skin would contradict that theory.

    Julia's cheeks are bright red when I finally decide to make an appearance and I internally laugh evilly. It's only a matter of time before they're together, I can feel it.

"You ready to go?"

Before she can respond, Luke butts in, "Do you mind if I catch a ride with you guys?"

    My brow raises knowing he was supposed to get a ride with Caleb and he catches my poorly concealed look.

"Caleb was supposed to drive me, but he decided to go with someone else. I was going to just drive our car, but if I can go with you two that would be better," he rambles.

"It's not a problem with me, what about you, Julia?" I smirk.

    "Oh," she mutters. "It's alright with me I guess."

My smirk widens as I see Luke's cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. He's so into her, but they're both too blind to see it.

Once we arrive, the parking lot is already filling up with students and parents who came to watch the game. We quickly find a space to park and walk to the entrance of the soccer field where Lena and Jordan are waiting for us.

Luke tells us that he's going to see Caleb and that he'll come find us when the game is over. We all bid him farewell before going to find seats in the bleachers.

"What number is Kayden?" I ask Jordan.

"Fifteen," he replies, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

I laugh at the looks of disgust on Lena and Julia's faces before turning forward when all the players run onto the field. I manage to spot Kayden in the mass of guys and I must say he does look great in that uniform. He has a lot of muscle even though it doesn't seem like he would.

I'm not a big fan of soccer and get bored quickly. Jordan and Lena are all cozied up and Julia's staring off into space looking at my brother sitting two steps down with Caleb and his basketball friends.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I announce to no one in particular and Lena is the only one who really acknowledges me by nodding her head.

Since we're sitting on the end of the bleachers it's easy for me to just shuffle in front of Julia over to the stairs leading down to the ground. There are outhouses behind the bleachers outside the fence that borders the field so I head in the direction of the exit. No one takes notice of my leaving, everyone being too invested in the game to care. The bleachers block most of the light coming from the field so it gets darker and darker the farther I walk.

I wrap my jacket tighter around myself, not noticing how cold it was when I was huddled up watching the game. There are no lights in the tiny port-o-potty the school provides when there are games so I have to cleverly balance my phone in my hand with the flashlight on while trying to squat over the seat. Who knows what kind of diseases are resting on there?

I quickly finish my business, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible, and squirt some hand sanitizer onto my hands. It'll have to do until I can get to a real sink to wash my hands. Pushing the blue door open, I hop down from the step and breathe in the fresh air. I look up at the sky and realize it's dark enough to see the stars shining bright.

"Wow," I whisper to myself.

My stargazing is interrupted when my phone pings with a text.

I'm watching you.

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