Chapter twenty five

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I tell Julia I can't sit with them at lunch today because I have a few questions I have to ask the teacher about the English essay that's due soon. She easily accepts the excuse and hurries off to the cafeteria with Lena. I sigh, making my way over to the school library where I will be eating my lunch today while I finish my English essay. I didn't actually lie about the essay. I really do need to finish it. I sit at a small table in the back of the library where there aren't many students as I'm not willing to risk any of my friends seeing me.

Last night I had avoided sitting next to Reece at all costs during the movie and I don't think anyone noticed how anxious I was. I didn't really pay attention to the movie and instead made a plan. The plan is to avoid Reece as much as possible and tell him that I don't want him to train me anymore. It's going to be easy to avoid him in the two classes we share as I can just sit somewhere else in chemistry and I can stay on the other side of the gym during gym.

The hard part is telling him that I don't want to train anymore because I know he is going to demand a reason and since he's my neighbour there is a huge possibility of running into him a lot.

I yawn, tired from the lack of sleep I got last night and the fact that my friends didn't go home until a little past midnight. I take a sip from my bottle of water before getting to work on my essay and before I know it the bell is ringing.

I quickly pack up my things and shuffle through the crowd of students to get to the chemistry room. This is where I begin to put my plan in action. As I walk through the door, I glance at Reece's desk and see him leaning back on his chair with his muscular arms crossed over his chest. Before he can see me looking at him, I make my way over to the desk behind Jordan and sit down.

"What's wrong?" Jordan turns around to ask with a confused frown.

I frown, "Nothing, why?"

"You usually sit with Reece in this class and today you're sitting behind me so I was just wondering if something was wrong. Did you two have a fight or something?"

"No, I just felt like sitting here today."

"O-kay" he says, dragging out the 'o'.

He turns around and concentrates on the task the teacher just assigned us and I try to do the same, but I can feel a pair of deep brown eyes burning a hole into my back.

"Hey cupcake," Reece greets walking next to me as I leave the chemistry classroom.

"Hey," I mumble.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," I state coldly, picking up my pace and leaving him stunned in the hall.


It's been four whole days since I've been ignoring Reece and everyone has noticed. I had cancelled on our workout on Sunday saying that I had to help my dad with a few things because I wasn't ready to tell him that I didn't want to train anymore. I think it would make things official when I do, make it official that our friendship is over.

As I walk to the cafeteria to buy my lunch, Jordan pops up out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of me, and grasps me by the elbow. "Jordan what are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you," he huffs, dragging me off to who knows where.

He pulls me into an empty classroom and shuts the door behind us locking it.

"What's this about?" I grumble, already knowing what it's about.

He stands in front of the door, blocking it with his arms crossed over his chest, "Why are you ignoring Reece?"

I sigh, "Did he ask you to ask me that?"

"No, I'm asking because I want to know. C'mon Quinn, you're like my sister. For you to ignore someone as close to you as Reece is, there has to be something wrong."

"I've just been busy lately," I look at anything but him. I know I'll cave if I look at him.

"That's bullshit," he retorts.

"It's none of your business," I snap harshly.

His eyes widen and a hurt expression crosses his face before he masks it quickly.

"I'm sorry, Jordan. I'm just getting so frustrated because everyone has been asking me the same thing all morning and I just don't want to talk about it."

He sighs, "I shouldn't push you to tell me something you don't want to, but I'm here for you whenever you want to talk. I promise I won't bring it up again."

I smile and step forward to give him a hug, one that he returns, before he unlocks the door so we can leave.

"Are you coming?" he asks when I stay in the classroom.

"Yeah, I just need a few minutes alone," I explain.

He nods and walks down the hallway to the cafeteria. I lean against the desk, listening to his faint footsteps and massage my temples trying to relax.


I pull out my phone and unlock the screen to read the new text.


I'm so happy you finally got rid of the delinquent. He really was getting in the way of us being together. I was hoping to get to him first, but you saved me from having to clean up a mess.

I groan, kicking the desk I was previously leaning on. It move back two feet, the legs screeching as it scrapes the floor. I'm getting so sick and tired of this psycho and I just want him gone for good. I really don't want to ignore Reece at all. I care about him so much and I don't want to hurt him, but I have no choice. I have to protect him.

 I have to protect him

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