Chapter thirty two

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My eyelids flutter open slowly. The room is bright, lights shining directly into my corneas. It takes me a moment to realize where I am, a hospital room. Coarse white blankets cover my aching body, monitors attach to my skin by wires, a heart monitor beeps steadily off to my right.

    My gaze flicks across the room to the man sitting on the small loveseat placed against the wall. He's reading a book, which is supposed to be relaxing, but he looks disheveled. His hair is mussed up as if he's been running a hand through it constantly, his gorgeous brown eyes have dark circles under them, his clothes are rumpled, it seems as if he hasn't gotten a wink of sleep in twenty four hours.

    I clear my throat, croaking, "Reece."

    Reece's head snaps up at the sound of my voice and he immediately throws his book onto the couch coming to my side.

    "Quinn," he sighs in relief, "you're awake."

    I gulp, my throat incredibly dry. "What happened?"

    He passes me a small cup of liquid, "drink this first."

    The water soothes my parched mouth and I'm grateful that he made me drink it first.

    "What do you remember?" He asks, a worried look on his face.

    Thinking back, I remember waking up tied to a chair in a basement. I remember Zach beating me and trying to strangle me.

    My eyes widen, panic coursing through my body. "Zach?"

    Reece's hands gently push on my shoulders to keep me from rising out of the bed. "It's alright," he reassures me. "Zach's been arrested."

    "He's in jail?"

    He nods, "yes."

    Slumping back against the pillows, I give him a questioning look. "What happened?"

    "I only know what the police told us," he warns, "but they said Zach was attacking you when they got there. They restrained him just before you passed out. Paramedics came in to bring you to the hospital and they arrested Zach."

    "It was Zach, Reece. It was him all along," I cry, a lump lodging in my throat.

    His eyes soften and he lies next to me on the bed, carefully pulling my body flushed against his. One of his arms supports my head and the other rests lightly on my waist.

    "I know, Quinn," he murmurs. "I'm so sorry."

    I sob into his shoulder, releasing the pent up sadness and anger onto him. "How could he do this?"

    "I don't know, Cupcake."

    I sob until my tears dry up. I don't know how long it's been, but I'd say a while based on how sore my eyes are.

    "He told me he loved me," I whisper. "He said he couldn't live without me, we were going to be together forever."

    Reece's grips tightens around my waist. "He's sick."

    "He planned everything. He was going to pin it all on Jayden..." I trail off, realizing Reece doesn't know who Jayden is.

    "Luke told me," he winces. "We were trying to figure out where you could be and Luke explained everything."

    I flinch away from him, not that it's his fault. I just hate that he knows this horrible thing happened to me. He knows that my ex-boyfriend was physically and mentally abusive towards me. He knows Jayden wouldn't leave me alone after I broke up with him and we had to file a restraining order.

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