Chapter twenty-one

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The doorbell rings at exactly six when Reece said he would be here and I shove my arms through the sleeves of my leather jacket before I open up the door. "Hey."

"Hey, Cupcake."

I lock the front door then walk down the porch toward his motorcycle when he speaks again. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, no," I look up at him.

He nods, swinging a leg over his bike so that he is straddling it and I shove the helmet onto my head. Hopping onto the bike behind him, I wrap my thin arms around his waist. As soon as I'm gripping onto him, he takes off down the road.

    Reece parks his bike in the parking lot of the same diner we ate at after we left Kayden's soccer game all those weeks ago. It seems as if it has been years since then, but in reality it has only been a mere three weeks.

The bell above the door dings when we walk inside and the waitress, not Tracy, looks up from the cheesy romance novel she's reading. After Reece and I are seated in a booth, she puts her book down and saunters over asking for our drink orders.

"I'll have grape soda, please."

"Same for me, thanks" Reece tells her.

She nods, writing it down on her notepad before swiftly walking away. This girl isn't as friendly as Tracy, but she doesn't seem to know Reece either. The waitress returns with our drinks, we each order cheeseburgers and fries like last time because it was way too good not to have again.

"I have a fight at nine so I was thinking you could come with me again," Reece says after we receive our food.

I swallow the fries loaded with ketchup that are in my mouth before replying, "Yeah, I like watching the fights."

I take a huge bite of my burger and it's just as good as last time.

"I'm fighting a guy that I already beat a couple weeks ago. He wants a rematch because he thinks I somehow cheated," he explains.

"How do you cheat in street fighting? Pretty much anything is allowed," I ask confused.

"I have no idea. I think the guy is just a sore loser."

"Well you'll beat his ass just like you did before."

"Did little miss badass just compliment me on my amazing fighting skills?" he smirks arrogantly.

"I wouldn't say they're amazing. Your ego is already too big to begin with."

He laughs, "it's called confidence, sweetheart."

My stomach flutters with butterflies at the term of endearment and I take a huge bite of my burger so I don't have to say anything else.

    It's eight o'clock by the time we decide to leave the diner. After we finished eating we just sat and talked about anything and everything and I realize how glad I am that I didn't go to the dance. I highly doubt that it would have been this much fun.

Reece speeds down the road to the abandoned alley where the fight is and he parks his bike down the street. We meet up with Seb when we walk into the circle of men and decide to wait with him to watch the other fights until Reece's starts in an hour.

Reece and Seb are talking about the guy he is fighting tonight when I hear a girl scream from around the corner. My eyebrows furrow and I sneak away without the boys noticing where I'm going. As I round the corner, I can faintly see a man holding a woman up off the ground by her throat and he slaps her in the face. My jaw clenches in anger at the abuse happening in front of me and I storm over there tackling the guy from the side.

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