Chapter sixteen

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Reece has been avoiding me all day.

    It started at school this morning. I passed him in the hall and he just kept going even after I made a move to speak to him. He was nowhere to be found at lunch and stayed as far away from me as possible in class. He's supposed to come over to workout with me soon, but I wonder if he'll even bother showing up. He has to be avoiding me because of the kiss, there's no other explanation for it. He either really didn't mean to kiss me and now regrets it, or he meant to kiss me and now regrets it. Either way, it kind of sucks.

    I didn't realize my feelings for Reece until after he kissed me. It was like a switch flipped on and all these feelings shined down on me like a spotlight, but he clearly doesn't feel the same way. If he did, why would he say that it was a mistake? It doesn't matter anyway, it's only a little crush, it'll fade away in no time.

    I wait all evening for Reece to show up. I wait until nine o'clock before giving up and going to my room. Fine, if he wants to ignore me than so be it. My previous hurt is now replaced by anger and I silently curse him in my head.

    I groan as my phone beeps as soon as I flop down on my bed. Why do I always get interrupted just as I'm getting comfortable? I roll over onto my stomach, my hand flailing over to the bedside table for my phone.

    You are MINE, not his. Remember that.

    What the hell?

    Who is this person? Why won't they leave me the hell alone? So many questions are running through my head and I have no answers for any of them. Is it someone playing a joke on me? Is it a psycho stalker? Could it be...?

    No, it can't be. It has to be someone from around here. Could it be Kayden? I haven't gotten as close to him as the others and I always catch him staring at me. I just thought it may have been a crush and he was shy. Could he be the type of guy to do something like this? I just don't know.

    Possibilities run through my head all night. I toss and turn, barely getting any rest at all. I'm so exhausted by morning that I fake sick in order to stay home from school. I'm pretty sure Luke wasn't buying it, but Dad did.

    Luke bursts into my room that afternoon. "Spill it."

    I look up from my laptop. "Excuse me?"

    "Don't bullshit me," he rolls his eyes, "I know you aren't sick."

    I scoff, "How would you know?"

    "We're twins, I can tell when you're actually sick."

    "I'm just tired," I sigh heavily.

    After I convinced Dad to let me stay home, I slept until one o'clock in the afternoon. Since then I've been binge watching shows on Netflix.

    "Is there something going on?" He worries, a look of concern on his face.

    I hesitate, wondering if I should tell him about the calls, note, and texts I've been receiving, but then I remember the amount of stress and worry I put him through before. I don't want to put him through that again, not when I can handle this on my own.

    "There's nothing going on," I reassure him, "I just had a bad night of sleep and a headache."

    He stares at me intently for a moment. "Are you sure?"


    "If you say so," he sighs, "I'll be in my room if you need me."


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